Composting Works!


I have to share with you these two cherry tomatoes that my husband picked from our garden. The cherry tomato on the right is a normal size cherry tomato similar to the size of the store bought cherry tomatoes. The cherry tomato on the left was a volunteer cherry tomato plant (one of many) that came up by itself from last years cherry tomatoes that we threw into the compost. If you ever thought composting was a waste of time, then I hope this changes your mind! I’m not going to go into the composting process, there is a lot of information on line that you can google. I just found the size difference fascinating and wanted to share it with you!


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    • Absolutely! We keep a 5 gallon bucket with a lid in our garage and I throw all the scraps in there then when it’s full my husband dumps it in the compost pile. One year we had volunteer spaghetti squash that were fabulous.

  1. I’ve found that volunteer tomatoes often do better than and usually overtake the ones that we plant because they come up when they know the time and conditions optimal instead of when we want them to.

    • No way! Did you throw the seeds in there or did the birds do it? I couldn’t figure out why my rhubarb wasn’t multiplying after all these years until a fellow gardener told me to let them go to seed and then knock the seeds on the ground. Silly me, I always cut the seed stalks off so the energy went into the plant as I had heard.

    • They look delicious! I will pass that on to my husband! He has planted some that color but the shape wasn’t round, they were kind of like a teardrop. They were amazing! Thanks for sharing the link!

  2. We only have a small, mainly Australian native garden now, but when we had a bigger garden I used to compost. I agree with you on the difference it makes to everything in the garden. I used to love turning it regularly, taking note of how the vege scraps were transforming into the most beautiful loam. In fact I think composting was one of the most rewarding garden experiences in the garden.

  3. I could go on about the benefits of composting (slow nutrients, organic matter in the garden, better water retention, etc.). But, I will agree that the volunteers that come up are part of the fun. We find lots of vegetables, squash, etc. that we never planted, but come from seeds that found their way into the compost. The question is sorting out which to let grew where they sprouted. Happy harvesting. – Oscar

  4. I just tried this for dinner and it was yummy! We also had spicy sausage pasta, adapted from another of your recipes. Thank you for sharing and enriching us all 💕

  5. Good worked composting when diluted into water fed to plants is caviar to the roots who say thank you almost at once. Nothing grows well without feed so why starve your plants and then expect the best of your gardens. You are right to tell all about composting it is my pet subject with those who stand amazed and ask how much work goes into 6 acres to make it look that good.I tell them good composting is the only way apart from hard work weeding wich weeds take up half the feed you give so get rid of all weeds first.Good post and worth the typing to get that strong message over to all.

    • 6 acres….oh my! Thank you for the tip of using water with the compost to feed the plants! I never thought of that. Since our garden is MUCH smaller than 6 acres, we use straw in our garden and weed near the plants.

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