Grilled Cheese, Tomato & Jalapeño Poppers Sandwich

It’s that time of the year again, our Jalapeño Peppers and Tomatoes are ripe and ready to eat! I already made one huge pan of Jalapeño Poppers and my second batch always results in making this sandwich for a few lunches. If you love Jalapeño Poppers, you have try this.

To see my step by step directions and a printable recipe card, click HERE.

My favorite Jalapeño Poppers recipe is HERE.


    • I only like garden tomatoes so I tend to have grilled cheese a lot in August. It was such a great taste with the jalapeño poppers added to the sandwich. Thank you!

    • Thank you Dorothy. I had leftover jalapeño poppers in the refrigerator a few years ago. I love grilled cheese and poppers so I thought why not put them together. Kind of like peanut butter and chocolate. 🤣

  1. These look great. I love grilled or toasted sandwiches. Been thinking about making something like this today for lunch as were having a heatwave here in UK atm, Too hot to put the oven on! I’ve never tried the peppers, but I think I’ve seen them on sale here. I’ll have to give them a go. Today I’m going to do ham, cheese and tomato grilled cheese sandwiches 🙂

  2. Jalapeño is such a wonderful ingredient that adds so much pop to anything – and one of my favourite potato chip flavours!

    Thanks for resharing your two recipes. Must be so rewarding and enjoyable to make food out of your garden harvest!

  3. This looks very yummy – I have not had a grilled cheese in forever. (Afraid to use the toaster oven as the cord got so hot, so just leaving it there for show … for now.)

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