My Garden Flowers



Last night I went outside to care for my fish ponds and to pick blueberries. As I walked around the yard I noticed all the colors of the flowers so I thought I would share them with you. I don’t ever remember this many of my flowers blooming at the same time and the blueberries are the largest they have ever been. I guess all the rain we have had is to thank for this. The sunflower above is a volunteer plant that grew from the sunflower seeds we feed to the birds. It hasn’t opened completely yet.



I planted these Chicks & Hens plants at my fish ponds. I love the flowers they make.



I feed an acid fertilizer to my Hydrangea to turn the flowers blue. This one must have only drank half of it. They are pink when the soil is low acid and blue when the soil is acidic. The flowers grow huge!



Some of my Sedum plants.



This is a Yarrow flower and if you look close on the left side there is a small green grasshopper.



Hosta flowers that haven’t opened yet.






A good friend gave me these a few years ago.















These are Wave Petunias and the only annual flowers I planted. I put them in flower boxes on each side of my front porch, in two large pots and in the ground.

I am hoping to remodel my fish ponds soon. When I do I will post pictures of it but until then….back to the recipes!



Categories: Uncategorized


    • Aw thank you so much! You know I really don’t cut the flowers. I walk my yard every day and just love looking at them. When I bring them inside they don’t last as long as they do on the plant. In the Spring I will cut lilacs and hyacinths for the wonderful scent but that’s all.

  1. Those are beautiful Diane! Do you have problems with birds trying to eat your fish?

    • Not any more! Mr Blue Heron and Mrs Egret enjoyed a few appetizers and I had to cover the ponds with deer netting. The pond base is black and so is the netting so it doesn’t look too bad and I can still watch the fish. The goofy goldfish had babies again! I guess the environment is right for them.

      • I had an aunt who couldn’t keep fish in her pond for an egret… she finally gave up.

  2. Love your volunteer sunflower! I believe those little yellow ones are coreopsis. Your lilies are exquisite–and quite an interesting collection of sedum. I have been feeding the hydrangeas coffee grounds from time to time; some are blue and some are multiple shades, even a bit lavender. I need to be a bit more disciplined to get that deeper blue! Beautiful garden! Thank you for sharing.

  3. WOW! How very beautiful !!! You must get great pleasure in walking around and drinking in the pleasures that beautiful flowers provide!!! My desert backyard (just rocks) is very envious!

    Virtual hugs,


    • Thank you Judilyn! My yard has been my labor of love since moving here 27 years ago. I had so much more growing but now that I am getting older I am trying to make it easier to care for.

  4. You have quite the green thumb Diane! Your flowers are gorgeous and I was surprised the sunflowers are already out – haven’t seen any. I have a Twist-and-Shout Hydrangea (about the only thing that has survived all these brutal Winters) and it turns either pink or blue depending on the acidity of the soil.

    • Thank you Linda! I really don’t do a whole lot to my flowers but weed and mulch them. I don’t even fertilize them. I think the decomposing mulch must be doing that…lol Aren’t hydrangea beautiful. The blooms are gigantic! They are the only ones I fertilize and that is just to turn them blue.

      • They are beautiful Diane – when I see your garden and flowers I am wistful for my garden back in the day … I was very frustrated when the neighbors got rats and I had to stop feeding and watering the birds (had four birdbaths in different sizes). Then I lost my entire butterfly garden after the first polar vortex … I am done with the bacvkyard and all that has survived is the hydrangeas and one clematis (had three or four of them) and the roses but they aren’t looking too hot. I am quite behind in Reader and hope to catch up – first the finger two weeks ago (looking and feeling much better), swamped at work, some storms and don’t work in storms and trying to stay on my feet and not sit too much … too much sitting was causing my feet and ankles to swell up, so trying to remedy it and pretty successful so far, but less time at the computer, far behind. Going to do it and stand up today but have a hair appointment, then a five-hour window for the HVAC guy for A/C check. Enjoy those blooms.

      • I know life can be so overwhelming! I would say you do pretty good being on you feet with your dedication to walking. We have to pick and choose our priority’s. I have so much I want to do around here and no time to do it. I am working my last day on July 29th!Then I will be retired. The state has done everything they could to get rid of Independent Providers and they win. I still have 2 years to wait to collect on Social Security but I can be very frugal and we will survive. I have cared for the disabled a long time and ready to start taking care of my family. They are my priority now. ❤

      • I was wondering how much longer you had because you had not mentioned it – that is great and I envy you – I hope I will be done in three years, if everything goes smoothly. I live frugally too as I told you and that is in order to work from home. It has been worth it in the long run – I’d have waited until retirement to start the walking regimen and not sure if I’d have started a blog. It was my neighbor who kept insisting that I do this so I did … and it was kind of to appease her since she kept asking so much. You can be frugal as you do things like can, freeze and grow those veggies and sometimes fruits as well. You are in a better position to be frugal than me in that regard. I wish you all the best, you know that. Re-adjust your priorities – it will suit your fancy just fine.

      • Yes, you will be fine then – I am low maintenance so can save money that I used to spend on going to work on site – now it does not matter what I wear to work (PJs are my favorite) so yes, you save money on lots of expenses incurred if you are working out in the world. You can do it.

  5. Omg your garden must look so freaking beautiful I’m jealous!!! All I have are weeds and were having a really hard time getting rid of them lol. I’m trying not to use pesticides or whatever but idk what to do haha
    But anyway your garden is beautiful! The hydrangeas have got to be my favorite! I didnt know the acidity of the soil could change the color. Interesting!

    • Thank you so much! Mulch is my answer to weeds. I put it down thick and remulch about every 3rd year. The hydrangea blooms are huge and get larger every year. They are so beautiful.

      • If I use mulch, will grass still grow though? I would like to have a lawn just without the weeds though LOL I know NOTHING about gardening =(

    • Believe it or not there is an old steel wagon wheel under them. I planted the succulents in between the rungs of the wheel and the plants went crazy and completely covered it! Thank you!

    • Thank you! It really is fun changing the color of the hydrangea. One of these years I will leave one plant alone so I have a pink and a blue. But for now I just love the blue color because it is so rare to see blue flowers here.

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