It’s Friday What’s For Dinner 05-23-24

Anyone that makes a homemade dinner is welcome to type the name of one recipe that you prepared, in the comments, then we can all scroll through the comments for recipe ideas. This will be a weekly Friday post and only recipes on the Friday posts will be allowed. 

If someone wants your recipe and asks, there will be no pressure to share it, it’s up to you. I will accept links, but only to the recipe and NO VIDEO. It may take me a day to approve it so I can make sure the link is legitimate and not spam. 


I find the hardest part of making dinner isn’t the process, but figuring out what to make. So go ahead and post ONE RECIPE ONLY EACH FRIDAY in the comments or feel free to just read what others have made. Either way, I hope we all get some great ideas to make our meal planning easier.

To see my step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card for NO BAKE CHICKEN THIGHS WITH SAUCE click below.


    • Thank you! We had to turn off the air conditioner because he removed part of the ceiling and most of the drywall. The heat from the attic was keeping the A/C running nonstop. 😩

      • Wow – this heat is too much, too soon. I bought a couple of tower fans this past week. My years-old oscillating fan bit the dust just at the completion of the bathroom flooding. I should have put them together as we are getting possible severe weather tonight, twice – ugh. I just shut off the A/C as it is starting to rumble out there.

      • We had about a 15 minute storm and that was it. You will be glad you bought the fans before everybody else does Linda. Terry and I stapled heavy plastic over the wall and ceiling openings, problem solved!

      • We had a lot of torrential rain and a couple more rounds of torrential rain this morning. Good thing it was a short storm for you Diane. You and Terry were thinking smart – three days of dealing with that heat would have driven you crazy. That’s what I thought about the fans too. If they went on sale, I’d never get one and wait ’til the heat settles in for the Summer, forget about it then!

      • Double misery – OMG! Funny you said that as I’ve been immersed in decluttering the last three days as we’ve had so much rain and stormy weather. As I lugged out 11 bags of stuff for garbage day and they predicted severe weather later I thought the same thing “if I go through all this effort and it looks worse than when I started ….” My parents did a lot of remodeling through the years and because it is a small house, everything was in disarray. Another blogger is having a bathroom remodel and I told her we had our entire house painted and papered and the woman took a month to get it done. I had given my bedroom suite to our neighbor Marge before she began and asked her to do my room first. She ignored that and we had to reschedule the delivery of the new bedroom suite several times as she took her sweet time. I had packed my clothes in boxes and slept with my mom … we were not happy campers!

      • Good for you for getting rid of so much stuff. Doesn’t it feel good? We will have to continue cleaning out our basement once this remodeling is done. It is exhausting, physically and mentally. Today the contractor installed the electric and drywall. Terry and I picked up seven solid doors for the bedrooms, bathroom etc. We are done tearing things out and finally headed the other way of installing. Dust is everywhere, so much so that I stopped fighting it, I even have everything covered with heavy plastic. Hopefully he starts the floors tomorrow. One more month!

      • Yes, it is great Diane, but I still have a long way to go. I see we are having three days of rain again next week and maybe next weekend if the long-range forecast is to be believed. My goal, (f I had retired the end of last year as planned), was to decorate the house for Christmas this year, something I have not done since I have lived alone. I was not sure I would decorate as much, but at least put up a tree and other decorations. So, I may just put up the tree in the kitchen where I’ll see it. We had a tree in the living room and den before, but I spend most of my time in the kitchen, so it makes sense. Well you and Terry are industrious. My doors are the ones that came with the house and they are cheap looking. I wish we would have replaced them when we painted/papered the house. Poor you with the dust and still another month to go … by 4th of July, you’ll be in good shape and previewing your new kitchen to everyone including us here at WP!

      • You will get there, one bag at a time and you have no time limit now that you’re retire. How exciting to look forward to decorating for Christmas Linda! This is a late reply but now with the damaged cabinets I doubt the kitchen will be done by the 4th.

      • You know I tell myself I’ll return home from walking and get to it … but I stop and have something to eat and coffee as I last ate around 5:00-5:30 a.m. Then I want to sit down a little, then will get to it. I feel like the hours in a day go by in leaps and bounds where they dragged on forever when I was working. I will put up my Boyd’s Bear Ceramic tree this year and will be doing a post about how I collected bears for years. My mom bought me the tree and also a tapestry jacket which has the design of the tree in it, so I’m going to get a photo of that as well. Next year, 2025 Christmas, I hope to do a little more decorating – maybe the house will be totally decluttered by then – as you say, no time limit now since I am retired!

      • Get used to the days flying by and not getting much done. Welcome to retirement! You have talked about that tree before and I can’t wait to see it this year!

      • Yes! Thursday he painted all the molding over at our pole barn, which was a lot of molding. Today, two days later he brought them to the garage and piled them on saw horses and they were dry to the touch. The paint said it dried in an hour so two days should be fine. He and Terry took all 7 doors over to the pole barn to be painted today. When he finished, he was going to install some of the molding. He went to grab a piece and they were all stuck together. Makes NO sense at all. So he felt bad and said he will take them to his barn, sand them and repaint them. I felt so sorry for him after all that work the first time. He said he’s not touching the doors for a week! Lol

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