Healthy Air Fried Red Potatoes

 Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, these delicious Air Fried Red Potatoes are ready to serve in about 20 minutes. They are healthier when you make them in the air fryer.

To see my step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.


  1. Love Air Fryer made potatoes. Only a few simple spices and they can taste so good!

    You must be doing a lot of Air Frying these days! Hope the kitchen reno is coming along nicely.

    • Today I made a slow cooker meal. I can’t wait for the drywall to go up! The A/C won’t turn off because of all the heat coming through the walls and ceiling. It runs non stop and won’t lower the temperature so I had to turn it off. 🥴 We are a 68º couple. Lol I keep telling myself it will be worth it. 🤣

    • You will be seeing a lot of slow cooker and air fryer recipes with my kitchen gutted. Yes I am finally remodeling! It will be July before I can use it again and I can’t wait! Happy Memorial Day 🇺🇸

  2. We love potatoes … and when one can give it a healthy twist, it’s a winner! My neighbour has an air fryer – maybe I should walk over to her with a bowl of potatoes 🤣.

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