Making A Tortilla Soft Again


How many times do you plan a dish with tortillas and they are dry and crack when you roll them up? Don’t throw them out! Use this simple method to make them soft again. I never seem to use the entire package at one meal. So they sit there and always seem to dry out before I use them again.


Place a damp paper towel on a plate.


Lay a tortilla on top of the damp paper towel.


Place another damp paper towel on top of the tortilla. Microwave 10 seconds. If still not soft enough repeat.

If you need to soften more than one tortilla, place damp paper towels on the top and the bottom of the stack of tortillas. Place them all into a plastic bag. Do not seal the bag shut. Microwave on high for 50-60 seconds turning them over halfway through. Place a towel over the bag as you make your tortilla to keep the others soft.


Making A Tortilla Soft Again



1 tortilla

2 damp paper towels



Place a damp paper towel on a plate. Lay the tortilla on top of the paper towel. Place a second damp paper towel on top of the tortilla. Microwave on high for 10 seconds at a time until the tortilla is soft enough to bend without breaking. If you need to soften a pile of tortillas, place the damp paper towels on the top and bottom and then place them in a plastic bag. Do not seal the bag shut. Microwave on high for 30 seconds, carefully turn the bag over and microwave another 20-30 seconds. Place a towel over the tortillas and keep them in the bag until you are ready to roll each one. This will help to keep them warm and soft as you make them one at a time.


Categories: Cooking Tips


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