Did You Know – Egg

Did you know that when you crack a raw egg you should never crack it on the edge of a bowl? Doing so pushes the shell into the egg, allowing a better chance of getting shell fragments into your food.

You should always crack the egg on a flat surface, like the counter, for a cleaner break.

Once it is cracked, open the shell and place the raw egg into a small bowl before adding it to your ingredients. That way, should a piece of shell fall into the bowl it is easier to remove.


Categories: Cooking Tips, Did You Know, Eggs

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  1. Yes! And did you ever notice that if a piece of shell does go into the raw egg, it is impossible to get it out with your finger. Instead, use the bigger piece of shell to get it out. That way you will avoid playing tag with the small piece in your bowl.

  2. Good to know! I have learned to crack the egg into a small bowl before adding it to most of my recipes. Picking egg shells out of my batter or whatever is so frustrating, but it was a good teacher. 🙂

    • I think it was when my guest got a piece of egg shell in my baked goody, years ago, that I changed. I also learned to crack one egg at a time into a small bowl then put it into the big bowl, it’s easier to remove a piece of shell with only one egg. Thank you Patty❣️

  3. Now you tell me! I’m old as hell and no one has properly explained how to crack an egg. Flat surface, not on the edge of the bowl. This changes everything, hugs, C

  4. I’ve tried it both ways and the first time you crack it on the counter and the whole egg ends up there, you rethink it. I know Jacques Pepin agrees with you, but I guess I’ll keep doing it the way mom did, on the side of the bowl!

    • You have to learn how hard to hit the counter and once you do you won’t have a mess. Everyone has their own way of doing things and we do what works best for us. Keep doing what you’re doing Dorothy! 🥰

  5. I have always been looked at strangely for doing this lol
    No one else I know cracks them on the counter and yet, somehow I have been doing this for many years because I find it easier to crack, less shells, and I don’t break the yolk as easy either. People always say I’m weird though. At least now I can say I’m not the only one!!

  6. Egg-cellent advice! 😉 I tend to break eggs with a knife, but that yields the same problem as cracking it on the edge of a bowl. I’ll have to give the counter a try.

  7. No but crack eggs when baling on cooking board with flour and salt yeast and crack eggs on board next to them. With hands mix the old fashioned way .Which I like .We have Kenwood chef food mixer but lost dough hook so back again on marble slab board making breads . I do it this way as mother did it this way .So she was right break eggs on flat.Now I know dear lady thank you for saying so.

    • I never knew it until I saw it on a cooking show. WP won’t let me log in to comment on your blog Nancy. I can comment on all the other’s so I don’t know what’s up with that. So sorry I couldn’t comment. 😔

  8. I’ve always cracked them on the counter and didn’t know it was better…but I do now! I do admire those instagram bakers who crack them on the side of the bowl with one hand tho.

  9. Such a simple but helpful tip. Are you also less likely to get egg gunk all over when you do that? I almost always leave egg white on the edge of the bowl when I crack it there.

    • I had to learn how hard to hit the egg on the counter to avoid getting the egg on the counter, I find it quite easy to do though. I love the clean crack it leaves in the shell.

  10. My husband normally uses a fork to crack an egg – according to him, then the fork is nearby to whisk the egg 😉. The reason I always break the egg in a small (seperate) bowl is in case the egg is past its sell-by date or is rotten … then I don’t have to throw everything away that’s already in the bowl.

      • I know that salmonella scare with the eggs was bad a few years ago, no matter how clean they keep the farms. I was thinking when I read your post, when I worked at the diner, we just cracked our eggs right on the grill. It was a large grill and we made everything on the same surface (eggs, bacon/ham/sausage and hamburgers). So anything on the shell would contaminate all food cooked on the grill. Maybe the grill was too hot – I don’t recall any customers getting sick nor the employees.

  11. Excellent advice, Diane. I knew this, but always forget when I’m in the middle of making something. And then I always spend extra time digging out little bits of eggshell. My problem is, I need to slow down and take my time.

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