Did You Know-Melons

What do you do when you bring home melons like cantaloupes, honeydews, and watermelons? You put them on a cutting board and slice them right? WRONG!

As the CDC confirms, even when you’re not consuming the peel or rind, fruit can still be contaminated if not rinsed properly.

Foodborne pathogens like salmonella and listeria can easily be transferred from the outside portion of fruit to the inside, where the edible part resides, if proper cleaning techniques are not observed.

People do not immediately think about washing the rind of their melons before cutting them, because they only eat the inside, however, the knife touches the rind first pushing any contaminates into the portion we eat.

http://www.In DianesKitchen.com


  1. Isn’t it amazing the things we have to think of??? I heard about this a few years back but it’s not something most people think of very often. Good job reminding people. Thanks!

  2. I’m such a believer in this that I wash and then disinfect all my fruits and vegetables, a habit I picked up in Mexico. A watermelon is usually too big to be immersed so I wash a second time with the disinfectant. I use a vinegar or a Microdyn solution. These days our fruits and vegetables come from all over the world and who knows where they have been or who has touched them.

    • That was one thing they said that I should have posted, never buy pre-cut melon. I’m guessing it’s because you don’t know if the melon was rinsed before they cut it.

  3. Finally, something I knew as my mom did this. Cantaloupes have all those cracks and crevices in their rind. I just Googled to see if they are part of the “dirty dozen” of fruits and veggies and they are not – interesting, but I think the list is mostly for the produce which accumulates pesticide more than others.

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