Easy Cheeseburger Pie

If you love Cheeseburgers, try this delicious Cheeseburger Pie. I made mine in a cast iron pan or it can go into a 9” pie pan. I like using my cast iron pan because it goes from the burner to the oven which means less clean up!

To see my step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.



  1. I find eating burgers messy sometimes with my hands so this is a perfect hack to enjoy a burger cleanly with cutlery!

    • Thank you, I don’t have a lot of time to do fancy show casing and I’m not the best at it either. Occasionally they turn out halfway decent though. Everyone here complains they want to eat and I’m like “No I have to take a picture first.” Lol

  2. Great cheeseburger, I have to make tomorrow for my boys. They will surely be delighted. 🙂
    Best regards and thank you for the recipe

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