Cajun Shrimp & Rice Lettuce (or Tortilla) Wraps

Serve these delicious Cajun Shrimp & Rice Lettuce Wraps warm or cold. Wrap them inside large lettuce leaves or even in a tortilla. They are packed full of shrimp, rice and perfectly seasoned for a great meal. You can also make them up ahead of time and refrigerate them for a quick lunch or snack.

To see my step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.


  1. What a great recipe Diane! I LOVE shrimp and would eat that whole bowl of cajun shrimps and rice (not even bother with the lettuce or wrap 😋)! And fortunately for me, my husband is not a huge fan of shrimp … yeah, more for me!!

  2. I never had a lettuce wrap (and surely I could do that much). I have not bought lettuce since I lost my canary, but bought some bagged salad a few years ago and worried so much about listeria and salmonella, I had one dish and didn’t use any more.

      • Do you you use the whole romaine Diane? I always bought the bagged romaine until I worried about the listeria, etc. for my canary and quite buying bagged. I was worried as it was sandy and had dirt under the leaves. Do you buy organic lettuce?

      • Yes we use the entire lettuce. I like the darker large outside leaves and my husband eats all of it. Any dirt we rinse off well with water. We only buy organic if the regular produce looks crappy.

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