Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes

This was a simple, fun and delicious way to use my cherry tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes and fresh basil from our garden. We had these for an afternoon snack but you could also use them for a colorful appetizer. They are filled with a cream cheese, onion and basil filling that tasted great with the tomatoes.

Wash the tomatoes and basil with water then pat dry.

Slice a thin layer off of the top of the cherry tomatoes.

For the yellow pear tomatoes I sliced off the neck, or top

part, so that it was the same shape as the red tomatoes.

Use a baby spoon and scoop out the insides of

the tomatoes. Cut a very thin slice off of the

bottoms so they would sit upright.

In a small bowl add the cream cheese, onion, basil and salt.

Cream together with the back of a spoon.

Fill the tomatoes by whatever method you want.

I used a pastry bag with a star tip but a small hole

in a heavy plastic ziploc bag will work as will a

small spoon. Cover a plate with fresh basil,

add the filled tomatoes and serve.

Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes



  • 20 cherry tomatoes
  • 4 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 tsp. dried onion or 1 Tbsp. green onion chopped fine
  • 1 tsp. dried basil or 1 Tbsp. fresh basil chopped fine
  • pinch of salt or to taste
  • fresh basil for the plate, optional


  1. Wash the tomatoes and basil leaves with cold water then pat dry.
  2. Slice off a thin layer from the top of the cherry tomatoes. If using yellow pear tomatoes, slice off the neck or top part so they are the same shape as the cherry tomatoes.
  3. Using a small spoon like a baby spoon, scoop out the inside of every tomato. Cut a very thin slice off of the bottom of every tomato, this will help to keep them upright.
  4. In a small bowl add the cream cheese, onion, basil and salt. Using the back of a spoon cream the mixture together.
  5. Fill each tomato using a pastry bag, cut a hole into the corner of a heavy plastic ziploc bag or use a small spoon.
  6. Lay the basil leaves on a plate and place the filled cherry tomatoes on the plate with them then serve.


    • Aren’t they cute! I have always enjoyed the yellow ones but it is hard to find the plants. I found them this year at a herb farm tucked away on the side of their greenhouse. I don’t know what possessed me to look there.

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