Christmas Hershey’s Chewy Brownie Cookies


If you love brownies, chocolate chips and cookies then this recipe is for you. It was a recipe I received in the mail from Hershey’s many, many years ago. You probably have all of the ingredients in your cupboard already. This recipe makes about three dozen cookies. This is the 12th cookie recipe of about 15 that I will post.

To see the step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.


      • It seems I am hungry just as soon as I start looking at all your goodies here Diane. Only one other blogger I follow has food and that is Mackenzie (I think you follow her too, the young woman in Texas who is studying to be a nurse practitioner). She takes photos of a lot of pizzas and breads … makes me salivate looking at them. She is on school break right now and had not posted for about six month but has been posting a lot lately.

      • I will have to check her out. I haven’t seen a post from her in a long time. I understand why she took a break from blogging. My daughter is also in the process of becoming a NP while working full time and a single mom. That is why we have the kids so much (other than Covid).

      • She is on school break now and did a rotation at a hospital in the Spring. She had to live there during this time and now she said she is studying for her clinical boards (a little early). Mackenzie is not working and her husband has left his job and returned to grad school as well. His job was in Public Relations (I think) so when they do see each other, she says they are studying together. That is rough with your daughter working full-time and going to school, especially working in a hospital during this pandemic. I only worked part-time during the school year (weekends only while in college) and Summers/school breaks, so I had it easy, but I admire people who both work and go to school at the same time. A neighbor’s son went to school to be an engineer. His parents could not help with tuition and he did not want to have student loans, so he worked full-time and just took one or two night classes at a time – it took him 10 years to get his degree.

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