Goodbye Garden


Yesterday was the last day my husband had to cut our grass this year. We had beautiful colors on our trees this fall as I’m sure you all did too. Most all of our trees lost their leaves with the windy day on Sunday but this bunch of trees are tucked behind our large pole barn and the wind didn’t get to them.

It’s time to clean out the garden for winter. I’m so sad it is done for the year. The bushy green and yellow plants are my asparagus that I let go to seed. I leave them there until they turn completely brown so the energy of the plant can go back into the roots.

Saturday I reached under our huge Blue Spruce trees to clean out where the mower can’t reach and low and behold, I found some poison ivy. The poison ivy found me too…..ugh!


The sun was setting on this tree in front of our pole barn yesterday. It is my favorite fall tree with it’s vibrant red color. It is always the last tree to lose it’s leaves. Our temperatures have been around 76 degrees, 20 degrees warmer than usual and we are loving it!

Have a great week!

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Love this post! I planted my first garden this year. Lots of roses, mums, and several other perennials that just had me in awe all year long. It’s still about 70 degrees and I’m trying to hold onto them as long as possible! What did you do to treat the poison ivy?

    • I am using over the counter 1% anti itch hydrocortisone cream. My husband gets poison ivy every year so it is a staple at our house…lol You will surely enjoy your garden in the years to come. What is nice is when they multiply, you get free plants to start more gardens or share with your friends. I lined my 50 foot arbor with my hosta’s that had multiplied. We are really enjoying these beautiful and warm fall days too by getting extra yard work done. Thank you Leah!

    • Awww thank you! Yes I work hard to make our backyard look nice. We have cut down all of the fruit trees as they were old and not producing like they should have, but there are still plenty of trees left….lol

  2. Oh no, I hope you are not itching too bad Diane. I love your trees, they are beautiful, I’m glad I don’t have to clean up the leaves.

    • We don’t ever have to clean up the leaves because we have farm fields on three sides of us and they just blow away. I do clean up leaves under my 50 foot arbor in the spring as the wisteria leaves tend to get stuck on the mulch and plants underneath. Poison ivy wasn’t too bad, I lucked out! Thank you Carla! 💕

      • Makes sense about the leaves. I rake the ones that accumulate along the fence, as it kills the grass if I leave them there.

  3. Oh no! I hope you heal soon. Poison Ivy hates me! I’m so allergic that if I get just a tiny amount I have to have shots. Ugh. What a beautiful tree! I wish the colors lasted longer.

    • My husband is like you too. Luckily I just got it on part of my arms as I had 3/4 sleeves and long pants. I agree, the fall colors just don’t last long enough. Thank you Michelle!

  4. What a beautiful garden and those trees with the right sunlight on them look so stunning. I love this time of the year. But I definitely dread the next few months of winter. 🙂 enjoy the rest of your autumn!

  5. What an absolutely beautiful tree, Diane!! We have a nice one in our back yard, and it was just getting ready to change colors from green to red, when we got hit with snow, followed by very warm weather. So, it never got to go through the color changes, and now it just looks sad and brown. What a shame…. Incidentally, I hope you recover quickly from the poison ivy! 🙂 Happy Fall!

    • Awww Anita, what a shame you were hit with snow. I know I look forward to seeing the fall colors too. Almost all these leaves were gone the next day so I’m glad I took pictures when I did. My poison ivy is getting better thank goodness. I haven’t had it in years and I tear it out yearly. I am usually very careful but pulling it out from ground level under the blue spruce made it impossible not to get into it. Thank you Anita and have a great week!

  6. Hope your poison ivy didn’t get you too bad, Diane. Our garden is done too for the year. 🙁 We are also having very mild temps!

    Blue Rock Horses Frederick County, Virginia

  7. What beautiful trees! I cleaned out my wife’s flowerbeds and tomato vines a couple of weeks ago. It’s like saying goodbye. But looking at the bare soil, I can see it as it will be again next spring when, God willing, my wife carefully selects her annuals and a couple of tomato plants.

    • I wish my husband cleaned out my flower beds! Hahahaha Next year will be a lot of work as I need about 3 dump truck loads of mulch. Then I dump it one hand cart at a time. It saves me so much weeding time and lasts for about 3 years.

  8. Ack, it’s always a little sad to see the end of the garden, and the grass, and the leaves on the trees… But the days will start to get longer again in less than six weeks, and spring comes after that. (This is what I always tell myself.)

    Beautiful photo of the tree! The colours are stunning.

  9. Those are beautiful Fall colors on your property Diane – I hope the poison ivy rash has subsided by now – hopefully you can treat it at home for goodness sake! It is sad to see the growing season come to a close, especially when today’s temps were 33 degrees colder than the last few days – talk about a reality check!

    • Oh how I wish it was better. I am still fighting it but it’s not bad enough for the doctor so I can’t complain. I do great leaving it alone during the day, however, I wake up scratching not realizing I am.

      • Did you try calamine lotion Diane? I remember getting a bad rash as a kid – I don’t remember if it was poison ivy or poison oak, but my mom dabbed pink calamine lotion all over – it dries and keeps you from scratching. My neighbor got poison ivy from some that was growing around the base of a tree in his front yard … I was worried the tree would drop its leaves into the poison ivy and then blow to my house but I do wear gloves when doing yard work.

      • I thought you said your husband did the grocery shopping – I mentioned that in an earlier comment. Yes, try that … it dabs on wet and dries quickly and calms the itch.

      • It is working great in just one day! It appears to be drying up the older ones but I still have a few new ones popping up. I will keep after them all. I’m so glad you reminded of the Calamine Lotion Linda, thank you!

      • Happy to hear it’s working out well Diane — we always had it around for bug bites in Summer. I’d look polka-dotted sometimes when I was young.

    • I always hate to see them go. We always seem to get high winds just when they reach peak. These blew away the next day so I was glad I took the picture when I did. Thank you!

  10. Gorgeous garden, love the gazebo peeking in, and the colorful trees! I’m a huge fan of the fall, you have to post a soup recipe, I’m in the mood! Hope your poison ivy rash heals quickly, that’s the worst! C

  11. Poison ivy can make for a tough fight. I hope you win soon. Your red leafed trees are gorgeous and you are certainly blessed to have those warm days to enjoy outside before the cold hits hard.

    • Unfortunately it is still spreading. Thank God for cortisone cream. The 65 MPH winds took care of my leaves on the trees but it also blew them all out of the yard….woo hoo.

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