Roasted Spiced Carrots


I made these Roasted Spiced Carrots and let me tell you, they were the BEST carrots I have ever tasted! The wonderful flavor of the spices were delicious but what set this aside from all other carrot recipes is the red wine vinegar! Not a lot, just enough to meld all of the flavors together…… so good! This makes a great side dish for every day meals or to impress your guests! Very tasty and easy to make.

To see the step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.


    • Let me know how they turned out. I don’t know why but the baby carrots never taste as good as the large ones to me. I have tried them in so many different recipes and they just taste weird to me. Raw they’re ok but not cooked. A lot of people use them cooked and maybe with this recipe I may like them???

  1. Those look good! Carrots are one of three vegetables that I’ll actually eat (corn and green beans are the other 2, but the green beans have to be frozen and French cut) What’s funny is carrots are the only vegetable that my Dad hates and one of the only foods he won’t eat. (He loves pretty much everything else) I’ll have to try this recipe for me and Mom only. LOL!

  2. You had me at “roasted spiced.”

    In other, thoroughly unrelated, news…I hope to have my 2020 Election “cheat sheet” ready for early tomorrow morning. 🙂

      • Aw, that’s too bad Diane – what about your parents and mother-in-law … they will stay home then? The numbers are very crazy and yesterday, the Chief Medical Executive/Director for Michigan and our Governor’s go-to person for all things related to COVID, says by year end, if we don’t mask-up and be careful, we will have 100 deaths a day. I believe that … our cases and deaths are higher than in March/April. Hope everyone in your family in the medical field stays safe in this second round.

      • Thanks Linda! Both my brother, sister in law and now they have tested my daughter in law, waiting for the results. Also my daughters close friend just came down with it and they ate together in a small room on Tuesday…ugh!

      • Oh no Diane – I will keep your entire family in my prayers throughout this pandemic … sadly, COVID weighs heavily on your mind with each passing day.

      • My daughter now works in the COVID unit. The hospital is filled to the max. They are allowing COVID sick employees to come back to work because there are so many employees off with COVID. My daughter is doomed. Not only does she have to worry about the patients giving it to her but her fellow workers too! We are doomed because the school system is coming down with it too. Since we take care of the kids 3 days a week and see my daughter, well the writing is on the wall.

      • Please stay safe Diane – your whole family … I keep you in my prayers because your husband, son and daughter … and your daughter literally in the trenches … and the kids at school does leave you vulnerable. Hopefully you had your flu shot, but is it difficult with the grandchildren reminding them not to touch their face or kids have to touch everything. Wow – the kids should be at home and virtual learning only. I know – more work for you though, but safer. I just heard today how bad Ohio was. Michigan closed one of its universities for in-seat learning and went to virtual only for everyone. If this Pfizer vaccine is good, perhaps your daughter can get it next month … hopefully that is a safeguard for her. How terrible this is … they thought cases would multiply at the holidays but COVID did not want to wait.

      • Thank you Linda I will take all the prayers I can get. We are waiting on test results now for my daughter. Yes Ohio is in bad shape. I don’t know why the schools are still open but I have to respect my daughters decision to send them to school. I have a feeling it won’t be for much longer. We have cancelled Thanksgiving in our family. I finally get a meal cooked for me and it’s cancelled 🤣😂🤣

      • You are in my prayers for you and your entire family Diane – our Governor gave us a dire message as did the health director. I am going out for walks in larger parks, but it is easy to social distance and I am masked up, but if it gets worse after Thanksgiving, I’ll go to my park only and head home – all the schools in Detroit go to virtual learning on Monday. That’s a lot of kids. Because you and your family could use some lightheartedness right now, I’d make up a voucher and present it to them that you want a rain check for next year. You deserve a week of dinners. No, a month of dinners!! Stay safe.

      • Glad to hear it stopped the itch – it goes on cool to soothe your skin … if only COVID could be tamed so easily but the prospect of the 95% effective vaccines rollout for healthcare workers as soon as next month will give you and your family some comfort for sure. Take care Diane.

      • You wouldn’t believe it but they really don’t want it. They have learned so much about vaccines and feel it is too early. However, working in the hospital I think they will being required to take it or quit. They are required to get the flu shot too.

      • I’ve said all along that I’d wait until Dr. Fauci takes the vaccine, then consider it. I used to know when Dr. Fauci was speaking on the radio, but since he had the nodes removed from his throat, I no longer recognize his voice. I think they will be required to get the vaccine too. I knew about the flu shot – I knew two people whose jobs were associated with medical fields … one working with just learning billing coding (she was still in school for medical billing coding) and the other an administrative job at a nursing home – both were anti-vaxxers and first time ever they had to get flu shots and neither of them were happy.

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