

This is it… last day of work today and then I will be retired!!!!! I have spent a lot of time taking my clients to see this view of our bay and now I can enjoy it with my husband! My husband doesn’t retire for 5 more years (I am retiring early) but now we will have time to have more fun. It always seemed like when I worked he was off and when he worked I was off. In November we will be married for 29 years.

I don’t know how retirement will improve my website but I am definitely going to spread my wings. First thing I need to do is figure out the new block editor. Maybe I will even try adding a video to some of my recipes. I definitely will be experimenting with pasta and maybe even breads. I want to learn how to make macaroons……oh the possibilities! Time will tell and I now have all the time in the world!

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Ahhh so exciting! Huge Congratulations to you!!!

    I am excited for your new adventure. I’ve been thinking of making bread from scratch for a while, so I’ll be happy to see what you come up with.

  2. Diane, relax, enjoy your time with your family and friends and keep treating us with your wonderful dishes. Retirement is completely a new chapter of life, I am sure you will be have your long bucket list of things.

  3. Congratulations, and what a stunner of a photo to symbolise this new life the sun setting, or rising? I’m extremely technically challenged, but I didn’t have any problems with the block editing, so you’ll be fine with it I’m sure. I look forward to seeing the expansion of your blog.

  4. Congratulations!!! 💕 Enjoy every minute! 💕. I think your blog is awesome and I am always amazed at how often you post recipes! 💕 I am hoping to retire in 5 years. 💕 I bet your clients will miss you!

    • Thank you so much Bernice! 5 years will go by fast, that’s when my husband retires too. My clients probably won’t miss me being that they are developmentally disabled but the parents will! My one mom cried today when I left for the last time. I will still get together with each client about every 1-2 months. After being with them for about 10 years I can’t just forget them. My cerebral palsy client meets me about once a month for supper. I will do the same with my autistic gal and my other client likes to take nature walks.

      • Wow! That is awesome. What a special gift to help those with development challenges. I can imagine how attached you become to your clients. And the parents attachment to you. I will be glad to retire when the times come. I work in technology and over the years staring at a computer takes a tole on the body. Have a great day! 💕

    • Awe don’t be you will get there. I just happen to be very lucky to retire 2 years early. We aren’t big spenders so when we both retire we hope to do small travel trips.

      • I’m not a big spender either but yesterday had to order a new hot water heater on the heels of a new garage and as frugal as I am, that was a kick in the pants for me. The hot water heater was not quite 9 years old – my friend’s is 22 years old and going strong. Happy retirement my friend!

      • Oh no when it rains it pours! They say the average age for any type of appliance is just 10 years now. They just don’t make things like they use to. Thank you for the good wished Linda!

      • You’re welcome Diana – an exciting new part of your life now. I got this hot water tank in 2010 – the prior tank I don’t remember how old it was but I was washing clothes and went downstairs to put a new load in and take the other out of the dryer and water was everywhere – on a weekend, after hours – no words. A Saturday night around 8:00 p.m. – big mess. So I was proactive and got a new one in 2010 – so this was not quite 9 years old – it had something wrong with the gas valve, plumber said the part and to install it/labor, etc. would not be as much as the hot water tank/labor but recommended a new one due to its age. Sigh. My friend has had her hot water tank for 22 years … nice! And I asked for a senior discount – I turned 63 in April – got it so it reduced the bill by $110.00 to $990.00 – still a big chunk out of my budget, on the heels of Summer taxes the week before, and the week or so before that the new garage door.

      • It makes me sick what they charge! We have lived here for 27 years and I have replaced our water heater twice. Working for the gas company taught me a lot! So I know what they pay for the water heater and how they rip people off. The last time I put in compression fittings for an easy replacement should I feel up to doing it again the next time. I even put on a new roof in our other house. I also learned basic electric and all of that has really saved us a lot. I’m so sorry you are having all these things go wrong Linda! I always try to think we need to have peaks and valleys. The only way to go now is up!

      • Thanks for the encouragement and you sure are handy around the house … and you cook too. You are a keeper Diane. 🙂 My friend who lives in Virginia is the same age as me (63) and her husband knows nothing of home repairs, so she does all of them. She’s not put on a roof, but she does the rest of everything and Tim just watches … he does the cooking and the laundry … different for sure. I like to think it is only up going forward. – my nerves could not take much more. When that silly alarm went off every 30 seconds – the chirping made me feel I’d lose my mind.

  5. Mazel Tov! Both on the bountiful time and the 29 years of marriage. Nell and I will celebrate 12 this October, and THAT feels like a long (good) time.

    And that is a stunning view.

    • Thank you and congratulations on 12 years. With all the divorce today that is a huge accomplishment! I took that picture and did not use a filter. We get some gorgeous sunsets off the bay and lake.

      • You are welcome, and thank *you*. Nell and I married late…but, I think, wisely. I grew up in a family with more than its share of divorce–but a great friend’s parents proved the counter-role-models.

      • but it seems like you will be ready and successful in it –
        my FIL did a horrible job planning for his retirement – lets just say he didn’t;t really plan for it – so you blog – make your books – and enjoy all the other things you will do

  6. Congratulations!!! So exciting to be able to spread your wings and do what you want. Enjoy every moment. 29 years of marriage, it is a rarity these days. My hubby and I will be celebrating 22 years in a few months 💗

    • Thank you Lisa! Wow 22 years is amazing. Start planning now for a big 25th vacation. We went to Alaska and we will never forget it. For our 30th it’s Hawaii with a cruise.

  7. Congratulations on your retirement!

    Retirement is fabulous! You wake up with nothing to do and only get half of it done! Lol!

    I look forward to your blog posts! And good luck with the Block Editor… for some reason I stopped using it. I do everything from my iPad or phone so maybe that’s why.

    ENJOY your first day of RETIREMENT! 😊

  8. Congrats Girlfriend, but don’t think that working will be easier. I have been working much, much more (and a lot more physical) over the last 3 years of my disabled retirement. I never thought I would be so broken at this age (LOL that’s what I get for throwing around 75lb+ bales of hay as a kid-LOL or getting dumped off horses so many times-LOL). Sounds like you have a great plan, just don’t be surprised if you find yourself working a lot more, especially if you are working on things YOU love to do and not things you have to do.

    • Thank you so much! I am so excited and yes I will be busy. Today was pretty exciting. My family and friends had a surprise retirement party for me! I am so blessed! I definitely will be doing the things I want to do. Yet I have so much to do around here. I will be happy to get them done and not be limited with time. This is the strangest feeling…lol

    • I was self employed so it was just do it or not. It was a hard decision to make but with my husbands complete support it felt right. I still have 2 years before social security kicks in but I can be very frugal. I have so many thing I want to do I will definitely be

  9. Congratulations Diane! I thought I had wished you happy retirement the other day, but I don’t think it got sent. You will love it! So much time to do new things and try new recipes!

  10. Wonderful Diane! Hope you have fun doing all the things you always wanted to.Wish you the very best .I would love to watch the videos of your recipes looking forward to it 🙂

    • Thank you I am really looking forward to retirement. I have everything to learn about videos! All my pictures now are taken with my IPad. Not sure what I will do for videos but I will figure it out eventually.

  11. Congrats👏👏… You guys are an epitome of success in marriage…29 years in marriage ain’t a joke👏… Between I look forward to more and frequent yummies the way your recipes are always of much help to me…I really loved cooking but I never had the know – how but nowadays I got a perfect guide from your blog…I’m slowly becoming a kitchen ace…

  12. My FIL says that he has worked more since he retired than he ever did while employed (hobbies, taking care of family farm, etc.). 😊 Congratulations and it’ll be awesome to read about the new paths you will try!

  13. A huge congratulations on your retirement, Diane, and an equally huge congratulations on your upcoming 29 years of marriage! Wishing you much happiness in your retirement! You will love it!! 😊

  14. Congratulations on your early retirement! I have no doubt you will enjoy being retired and having more time to do what you want to do. My best friend and I have been married for 38 years. We were babies when we got married. 😉 I was only 18 and Tim was 20. It’s so wonderful when you choose to stay in love with your love! Blessings Diane!

  15. You can do anything and everything you want you wouldn’t even know you’re retired, what does that word mean, anyway? Not doing nothing, but you’re doing so many things!

  16. Congrats! Sounds like you’re trading one job for another, but one in which you’re your own boss. My husband I have been married 35 years and I can’t wait for him to retire to join me in my gardening and webbing adventures. We still have so much fun together. It sounds like it’s the same with you and yours. I look forward to seeing your blog grow Diane. 🙂

    • Thanks I was actually my own boss when I worked too. I can’t wait until my husband can retire. Darn insurance is the only reason he can’t so 5 more years. We are already doing so much together and it hasn’t even been a week. Before, I worked when he was off and vice versa. Then the days we were together we babysit our grandkids, which we love. Already having so much fun.

  17. Congratulations! Enjoy and I am looking forward to see any changes in your blog, if any. I’ll love reading it, either case!
    You definitely deserve it!💜

      • Welcome! I got it from a site called “Crowdsignal”. You can log in using your WordPress account, go to Dashboard (on crowdsignal) and select whether you want to make a poll, survey, quiz and another option I can’t remember, and once you’ve made it, you can click on the “Sharing” tab and they’ll give you a link. You just need to copy paste that link on your blog and the poll or quiz or survey will appear there when you post it!
        And thank you! That’s so kind of you! I’ve seen that different generations can learn a lot from each other! I have learned how to cook so many things from your blog and honestly, I even remember some by heart! Thank you!!!

  18. Congratulations on your early retirement, Diane!! ♡ That view is gorgeous.

    Looking forward to seeing all that you do on the blog. 🙂

  19. I really enjoyed your blog, I’m retired myself and I’m very happy. If I may, I suggest you get a hobby, you’ll have a lot of time on your hands now. I took up drinking I find this passes the time between blogs nicely.

  20. Hi Diane
    Congratulations on your retirement. I also want to thank you for following me. I love to cook as well and trying new recipes. I look forward to reading more of your posts.


    • Aw thank you Al! I am already enjoying it! It looks like you and your family had an amazing time in Arizona. My husband and I want to start taking some vacations and seeing the US some more. I appreciated your pictures as we have talked about visiting there.

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