Mennonite Creamed Potatoes & Sausage


This simple recipe is from the cookbook Mennonite Community Cookbook. Add a vegetable to this recipe and you will have a complete meal. This is made completely in one pan.



Ingredients – Also about

3 – 4 cups of water.



Cut sausage into 1/2″ pieces.



In a large frying pan, add the

chopped onion and sausage pieces. Cook

over medium heat until slightly browned.



Add water to the pan to completely

cover the sausage. Add enough water

to fill the pan about half full or even

3/4 full. Bring to a simmer and cook,

covered, for 10 minutes.



While the sausage is cooking, cut

the potatoes into about 1” chunks.



Add the potatoes to the sausage.



Sprinkle on the salt and pepper.



Cover and simmer until the potatoes

are tender. Depending on the size of

the potatoes, this may take 20-30

minutes. Keep checking so the water

does not disappear. Scrape the bottom

of the pan so the potatoes do not stick.

If the water disappears add more.



In a small bowl whisk the flour

and the milk until smooth.



Add the milk mixture to the pan,

stirring gently until thick.



Remove from the heat

and serve immediately.


Mennonite Creamed Potatoes & Sausage



  • 1 pound sausage links (I used pork sausage but any will be good)
  • 1 medium onion, peeled and diced
  • 6-8 medium potatoes, peeled
  • 1 & 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 Tbsp all purpose flour
  • 3 – 4 cups hot water (about)


  1. Cut the sausage links into 1/2″ pieces.
  2. In a large frying pan over medium heat, add the diced onion and sausage pieces. Cook until sausage is slightly browned.
  3. Add the water to the pan to completely cover the sausage. Water should fill 1/2 to 3/4 of the pan.
  4. Bring the water to a simmer, cover the pan, and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. While the sausage is cooking, cut the potatoes into about 1″ chunks.
  6. Add the potatoes to the sausage pan and sprinkle with the salt and pepper.
  7. Cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender. Depending on the size of your potatoes this should take 20 – 30 minutes. Keep checking the water so it doesn’t evaporate. If it starts getting low, add more. Scrape the bottom occasionally so the potatoes don’t stick.
  8. In a small bowl, whisk the flour and milk until smooth.
  9. Add milk mixture to the potatoes, stirring gently, until thickened.
  10. Remove from the heat and serve immediately.





    • Oh yes definitely would be good with any sausage and spices. I want to make it with hot sausage or maybe Andouille sausage next. So many possibilities! Thank you Judilyn!

  1. You got this recipe out of one of my favorite cookbooks. I have one of the early editions of the Mennonite Community Cookbook. It originally belonged to my mother.

    • I received mine as a gift for Christmas. I love all the recipes but they are very vague. It is a great book for someone that has been cooking for a long time but not for the beginner cook. That’s why I love making the step by step directions so anyone can make them. I wish I had the early addition too! Have a great week Sheryl!

  2. I love synchronicity! I’d been frantically looking for a warm and creamy soup to add to our banquet menu for an upcoming peace festival & couldn’t comment earlier as I ran straight out the door to our local food warehouse. I’ve never had so much meat hanging out in my home waiting for peace 😉 On behalf of the Bushcreek Hall Choir, many thanks for contributing love to our Dutch ovens!

    • This isn’t a soup….sorry! But it is a hearty stick to your ribs recipe. I have creamy soup recipes in the files though. Click on the “Category“ button and click on soup. I have 32 soup recipes there. Good luck I hope you find what you are looking for!

      • No apologies needed! The Choir required a slight modification to the base to create a consistency they could drink before heading on stage. For whatever reason, they wanted to separate the hearty stick parts & have some before the show and some after. Thank you so much for the directions to more delishishness!

    • Rachael you could put chicken in this as long as you make sure it is cooked completely. Should take about the same amount of time as the sausage. The creamy sauce may not be very flavorful as what the sausage makes it so you may want to add some of your favorite spices.

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