Air Fried Cauliflower

I’m not a lover of vegetables but I’m telling you, this tastes fabulous! It is perfect for a snack or for a New Years Eve appetizer.

To see my easy step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.


  1. Roasted cauliflower is one of my favourite veggie dishes and this Air Fried dish looks great. Love the dipping sauce too!

    PS. I hope your daughter is doing better today!

    • My daughter can go back on the 8th but no covid unit for 2 weeks from the 8th due to the N95 mask. It is hard to breathe through it and her lungs need to heal. So she will be in ICU until then. Thanks for asking Linda.

      • I’m glad she stays away from the COVID unit … I am surprised that the other nurses don’t wear N95 masks … they feel protected enough in the blue surgical masks?

      • It’s very difficult breathing 12 hours in the N95 mask. Their faces break out and they get very uncomfortable. The surgical masks have kept her safe, she didn’t get this from work.

      • I didn’t realize that – wow. I noticed there is moisture inside the N95 masks when you remove them. You would think the cone-like structure would prevent that.

    • Haha I remember being intimidated by mine the first time. I actually have the Ninja Foodi and it has a pressure cooker with it, I still haven’t tried it because of all the horror stories about the old style ones from when I was growing up. You wait and see, once you get started you won’t be able to wait to try something else. Wings, bacon, brats, chicken oh heck it’s all amazing!

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