Easy Pickled Jalapeño Peppers

Do you have a garden full of Jalapeño Peppers like we do? Would you like to preserve them, without canning, for another 1-2 months? Then use this recipe to make these Pickled Jalapeño Peppers.

To see the step by step directions on a printable recipe card click HERE.


Categories: Uncategorized


  1. These look lovely. Such a beautiful green. When I first saw the photo, before I read the headline, I thought they were fiddleheads. Enjoy your pickled harvest!

  2. Hmm – I don’t think I’ve ever had Jalapeno peppers. A friend of the family gave us some banana peppers once and didn’t tell my mom they were hot and she washed it and bit into it – I think I saw flames coming from her ears!

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