Pepperoni Pizza Bread

Pepperoni Pizza Bread is made with canned or homemade pizza dough, pepperoni, pizza sauce, cheese or any veggies and meat you want to add. It was an easy and fun recipe to make not to mention it tasted great!

To see the step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.


    • Lasagna is one of my husbands favorite meals but it is a trigger food for him so I don’t like to make it. Instead I break down and buy a small frozen lasagna once or twice a year. One of the few processed foods I buy….lol Thanks!

  1. This is so great; I know my grand kids will love it! I’m not a fan of pepperoni but I can easily see this with ground sausage or chopped meatballs, too. Great recipe for a weekend dinner with the kids! 🥖

  2. Oh, I think I’d have died and gone to Heaven with this. My mom and I often had Stouffer’s French Bread Pizza as a treat back in the day. I miss it as I don’t turn on the oven and the toaster oven has not been on in over 10 years either. I need to get a new toaster oven, but right now have a ton of expenses due to the plumber, car and other stuff … the pizza bread treats will keep a while longer and I really want an electrician to come and check out my outlets as I would like a small microwave … I’m torn between that and a toaster oven, but have zero counter space and the crockpot must sit on the counter as I have nowhere to put it and you know how big it is as it is the same model as your mother-in-law’s. Sigh. I could sink my teeth into this even though it is not even 9:00 a.m. I’m staying in this morning – the weather is dicey looking this a.m. and gives me a chance to catch up here as we have storms today. All. Day. Long. or so they say.

    • I can’t wait to see how your cooking changes when you retire. I can relate to other expenses. We still are waiting to get our foundation repair job concreted in our driveway, the mulch arrived, wind blew siding off the house and this week my husbands truck died (we just replaced the exhaust system 2 weeks ago for $700.00), it would cost more to fix then it’s worth. Ugh Now I have to search for a new car for me and he wants my car. Having bad pain this week and not interested in looking for one now. I keep telling myself you have to have the valleys to appreciate the peaks! Have a great weekend Linda. ❤️

      • Yes, I hope to be more hands on when I have more time – I promise myself that. I’d make crockpot meals twice a week now, but I’m not sure I want to leave the crockpot unattended, and it would work if I didn’t walk I guess, but the timing is all off. For now, I just make them on the weekends with lots of leftovers. The expenses add up quickly – I’ve not had car issues, but everything is electronic and the car is older, but still … all at once?! Hope you get everything straightened out soon with the foundation issues. It’s always something with a house isn’t it?

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