Happy Thanksgiving

Enjoy all the delicious food, friends and family but stay safe!

Picture from Pixabay.


Categories: Turkey, Uncategorized


    • I put garland and red bows on the cabana railing. It looks like a stable (sort of) so I ordered a star with 9 strands of lights coming down from the star. I can run an extension cord to that! I told my hubby that now I need a manager scene inside it. Wouldn’t that be neat?

      • That would be very neat Diane! When we first moved here, Memorial Park is just a block away and they had a large wooden stable with a life-sized manger scene. Not only was the manger scene and Three Wise Men life-sized, but they had life-sized animals too. Then there were religious issues having the nativity scene, so they removed it – too bad as it was beautiful. But next to Memorial Park is a church and they have a live nativity scene acted out every December. I don’t go out in the dark due to crime, but one day I’d like to see it. They put the stable and hay, animals, etc. on the front lawn of the church two nights in a row.

      • How cool is that! We use to have one here too but I’m not sure if they still do it. They didn’t have live animals though. I would have loved to see the one by you.

      • They had a bigger live nativity at a larger church that is in the area, maybe 20 miles away. Even before COVID, the event was so large that people drove past the living nativity to see it … I can’t see how everyone would see it at one time (the other church live nativity is like a play and you stand and watch outside on the church front lawn). This one you drive through it – must be amazing!

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