Hunter’s Style Chicken



What a totally different way to fix chicken in one pan! So many wonderful flavors in this recipe that all come together to make this delicious meal! This is really good served over rice for a complete meal.

Source: Adapted from My Great Recipes






Dredge the chicken strips into the cornstarch.



Add the oil to a deep skillet over medium heat.

Once hot add the chicken. Brown chicken

for a few minutes, turning when brown

and chicken is cooked through.



Push chicken to one side and add

the mushrooms and green onions.

Sauté until tender for about 3 minutes.



Add the artichoke hearts.



Add the chicken broth or wine.

Heat to boiling.



Sprinkle on the dry seasonings.



Add the cream.



Gently stir to combine.

Cook for about 5 minutes

until hot and sauce is thick.



Place on a serving plate and enjoy!


Hunter's Style Chicken



  • 16 oz chicken breasts (skinless & boneless) cut into 1” strips
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil, more if needed
  • 1 cup sliced green onions, including tops
  • 4 oz sliced fresh mushrooms
  • 10 oz cooked artichoke hearts (optional), sliced in half
  • 3/4 cup dry white wine or chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup liquid whipping cream (or heavy cream)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme
  • 1/2 tsp dried rosemary
  • 1/2 tsp dried sage


  1. Dredge the chicken in the cornstarch.
  2. Pour the oil into a deep skillet and heat over medium-high heat until hot.
  3. Add the chicken and cook until brown and the chicken is cooked through.
  4. Turn the heat to medium heat. Push chicken to the side of the skillet.
  5. Add the green onions and mushrooms. Sauté until they are soft, about 3 minutes.
  6. Add the artichoke hearts and wine (or chicken broth).
  7. Sprinkle the dry ingredients over the top and heat to boiling.
  8. Stir in the cream. Turn to a simmer and simmer for about 5 minutes or until thick and hot.
  9. Place on a serving plate and serve over rice if you wish.

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Another good-sounding recipe from you, Diane. Unfortunately, my doctor recommended this week that I limit myself to 1,200 calories-a-day. Not fun. I will continue to collect recipes, though, because I just can’t help myself.

  2. I am not big on artichokes, but this looks delicious. I know my kids love them, so perhaps this would be a good meal for when they come over. Do you think it would be good served over noodles?

  3. One of the healthiest substitutions I’ve made in the last few years – losing nothing in flavor or texture – comes from substituting barley for rice. Try it some time.

    • I guess I never thought of that. I love barley and always but it in my vegetable soup. Just never thought about using it as a side dish, no idea why so thank you!

  4. Chicken with artichokes on one pan. I have not tried to do this. A one-pot dish will come out, I feel that it will be delicious and healthy.
    Yours sincerely, greeting

    • Not surprised at all! I have only tasted it in artichoke dip which I love. Honestly, I picked them out because I didn’t care for them by themselves. That’s why I put optional on the ingredients list…lol

  5. Diane you’re killing me. I’ve barely eaten the last month because of the pain meds. I’m scrolling through my reader and see every post of yours for the last three weeks. Now I’m so hungry I’m drooling on my keyboard. You just brought back my appetite.

    • I hope that’s a good thing. I feel for you because I had both my knees replaced within last two years. I remember how nasty the meds made me feel. Thanks Mike and stay on that road to recovery!

  6. Pink Floyd the English pop band yes at my age 68 knew them all in the pop world.i attended Liverpool university in 1967 when that city was packed with musical talent. Talked with John Lennon in the old Cavern club and Tony Craine of Mersey Beats and Gerry Marsden who fixed my car water pump for me. Life was fast and furious then as a student but I never forgot to study hard and have first class honor degree in history and law. Became a lawyer and made my pile to retire at 60 and build gardens after I had built my house.Ill look up that day lily and think of another brick in the wall

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