Poor Mans Chow Mein


Poor Mans Chow Mein has been around for years. An inexpensive meal that will feed a family. A hearty casserole with ground beef, rice, celery and onions. This has an amazing taste and is a complete meal in one dish. Anyone can make this simple and delicious recipe and it is sure to please!

Click on the link below for the step by step directions with a printable recipe card.


Categories: Uncategorized


  1. My mother used to make something like this when I was growing up. I had forgotten all about it until I saw your post. I’ll have to ask her about her recipe and compare. 🙂

  2. This sounds so good! I’ve never really put together anything like this but it’s all things I love, definitely going to try it. Love your ideas, as always 🙂 Happy New Year, Diane!

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