Bacon & Ranch Pea Salad

BABA4272-6EA0-41BC-8394-91BD004FC427This Creamy Ranch Pea Salad is my favorite way to eat peas. All of the different flavors are a perfect combination. This is wonderful for the holidays because it can be made up ahead of time and refrigerated until just before you are ready to eat.

Click the link below for the printable recipe and step by step directions.

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      • I know you are and that’s why I said that as you’d mentioned it before and bacon and ranch dressing – yum. I just gave you a recipe for a bacon and egg sandwich one day when you are feeling a need to indulge yourself … fancy that, me giving a recipe to you.

      • Well thank you Diane – there are recipes in my mom’s red loose-leaf binder that I used to enjoy when she was alive, but I don’t make them. I suppose I can try my favorites once I am retired, but for now I use that as an excuse … no time to cook. It is just me so I use that as an excuse to just buy canned soup and have that every night for dinner. Before I started the walking regimen in 2011, I used to spend every Saturday cooking for the entire week and then I’d microwave one of those dinners every night. When I started walking, then blogging I started getting lazy. ๐Ÿ™‚

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