Drying Fresh Chives



Summer is over and so is the garden. Before the cold hits I picked the last of my chives and I dehydrated them. I used my Excalibur Dehydrator to do this. Chives can also be dried by hanging them, dried in the oven or even frozen. Once they are dehydrated they should be stored in an airtight container and should stay at their peak for about 6 months although I will use them longer.



Start by picking the chives fresh.

Grab a loose handful of chives.

 Cut the chives close to the ground.

Immediately wrap a rubber band

loosely around them.



Cut both ends from the bunches and

pull out any bad or discolored chives.



Rinse the bunches of chives under cold water.



Shake off the water and place the

bundle on paper towel and pat dry.



Using sharp scissors, cut the chives

into about 1/4” long pieces and

place them on your dehydrator shelf.



Place another shelf liner on top (if you have one)

so the dried chives pieces won’t blow all over the place.



Dehydrate around 90 degrees until

the chives pieces are crisp and all

the moisture is removed.



Store in an airtight container.

They should stay at their peak for

about 6 months but I use them longer.










  1. Great info. I’ve been trying to dry them just out on a mat thingy I have. I cut them after which I dunno, it doesn’t make them look as green. They turn out all yucky brown. lol

    • If they turned brown I don’t think I would use them. They probably won’t taste very good. Cutting them in 1/4” pieces green allows them to dry faster which keeps them greener although you lose some of the flavor by cutting them, slightly less potent. I was very pleased with how these turned out. You can also put them chopped up and into ice cube trays with water. That way you can take out small amounts. Just drop the ice cube into soups and other recipes. I have never tried this because I have a dehydrator. Don’t give up!

  2. I’ve learned a lot about gardening this year. Every year is a new experiment to see how much I can grow. I think I came up a little short in production vs what I’ve put into the garden. But we didn’t have a spring, we had a month of 4 season weather that hurt the plants and then went straight into the dog days of summer…

    Good post as usual!

      • that is great – I have some onions and I am not sure if they are chives – but they are green onions and just love growing them

      • I love cooking and garnishing with green onions. My chives get purple flowers on them. I’m thinking green onion flowers are white but that is one thing I have never grown so I’m not positive.

      • well thanks again Diane, my flowers are white – and so I am sure they are green onions
        I love being able to cut a snip anytime I want – so healthy for us too 🙂

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