Swiss Chard

B730891A-F151-4B22-8C6E-CE716297D302Check out how simple it is to prepare Swiss Chard for a great side dish. We picked our first batch of Swiss Chard from our garden. This variety is called Bright Lights because it produces three different colored stems. The stems are a bit tougher than the leaves but they are edible, however, you have to cut them up and sauté them longer than the leaves. I get so many leaves that I don’t bother with the stems.

I fix my Swiss Chard simply by cooking it in olive oil. Once it is cooked I add vinegar to it before I eat it. It is the same way I eat my fresh spinach. Swiss Chard tastes a lot like spinach to me. It isn’t as mild as spinach yet it isn’t as harsh as Kale. It is somewhere in between.

You can eat the leaves chopped up in a salad or cooked with olive oil. Add garlic, hot pepper flakes or whatever you would like in it. My recipe is a simple rather plain recipe and the way I love it.

Swiss Chard is full of vitamins E, K, A, C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, folate and it helps the body manage blood sugar. Do not add salt to Swiss Chard as it has 102 mg in a serving.






Wash, pat dry with a paper towel and tear the leaves off of the stems.

(Either discard the stems or cut them up and cook them until tender first).



In a large frying pan over medium heat, add the olive oil.



Once the oil is hot, add the torn up pieces of Swiss Chard.



Toss the leaves into the olive oil.



Continue cooking until the leaves are tender and then serve.


Swiss Chard



  • 1 bunch Swiss chard, washed and patted dry with paper towel
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil

Optional: Garlic – Hot Pepper Flakes – vinegar


  1. Tear the leaves off of the stems of the Swiss Chard and discard the stems. (If you wish you can first cut up the stems and cook them in the oil until tender as they are edible).
  2. In a large frying pan over medium heat, add the olive oil cooking until hot.
  3. Add the torn up leaves and toss them into the olive oil. Cook until the leaves are tender while tossing frequently.
  4. Place the Swiss Chard in a bowl and serve with vinegar (optional).






  1. We use the leaves in salad bowls and butter fry the orange red stems It is a veg not used enough same as Jerusalem Artichokes chipped and deep fried fot seconds in time only. Hardly new but rare as few will buy them. Thank you for this recipe I see you are one of us who will try all.

  2. For you a pleasure for me as your the chef me the novice over last 60 years of trying all sorts of ways trial and error mostly but I entertain and love cooking, baking and bread making as fun

  3. Reblogged this on Recipe Dreams and commented:
    Great timing! I just planted my first Swiss cards this year and don’t even know how they taste. Was part of a seed package from a friend.

    • Awesome! It is a cross between spinach and kale. I love spinach but not kale. Don’t let the leaves get too big or they will be bitter. The stems can be bitter so I don’t use them but I love the leaves. Try them cooked and in a salad to see which you like better. It is a super food!

  4. I usually make a white cheese sauce, sometimes with curry, maybe some shallots. Today I dug up a bunch of plants that self-seeded where I don’t need them and plan to just melt them down with butter.

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