Fruit & Flipz


I was treated to a cookout by my husband, brownies by my mother in law and this beautiful red, white and blue Fruit & Flipz dish made by my daughter for our celebration. What is Fruit & Flipz you wonder? It is fresh red & blue fruit with white chocolate covered pretzels and a sprinkle of white chocolate chips.

The best white chocolate covered pretzels I have ever bought is called Flipz. Here in the U.S.A we can buy them at the grocery store or even at Amazon. If you can’t find white chocolate covered pretzels, you can always make your own or use white yogurt covered pretzels.

Fruit & Flipz



  • 1 pint blackberries or black raspberries
  • 1 large bunch of dark grapes
  • 1 pint blueberries
  • 1 quart strawberries, hulled & cut into thirds.
  • 1 pint raspberries
  • 5 oz. White Fudge Flipz (or white chocolate covered pretzels)
  • 1/2 cup white chocolate chips


  1. In a large bowl soak all of the fruit for about 10 minutes washing off the dirt.
  2. Drain and pat dry on a paper towel.
  3. Arrange the clean fruit (except for strawberries) lengthwise on 1/3rd of a large platter or container.
  4. Arrange the Flipz pretzels lengthwise in the middle of the platter or container.
  5. Arrange the cut strawberries lengthwise on the last third of the platter or container.
  6. Sprinkle the strawberries with the white chocolate chips.
  7. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Categories: Fruit, Snacks/Appetizers


  1. Looks delicious! And so simple to take along to to a dinner party or summer BBQ. Great idea for graduation parties, too! Thanks for sharing.

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Diane!
    I don’t know why I haven’t tried those Flipz yet, but want to for reals now, after seeing it on this colorful tray. A great picnic mix!

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