Butter Fried Potatoes & Onions


Why did I post such a simple recipe? Because somebody out there has always wanted to make Fried Potatoes but never learned how and was afraid to ask. That is why I try to keep most of my recipes easy, so anyone new or old to cooking can learn how. We love these Fried Potatoes with eggs and toast for any meal. These are also a great addition to any meal so give them a try!


Ingredients – Use the fat of your choice.

You can use butter, bacon grease, oil etc.


Peel and cut the potatoes into chunks.

Peel and slice the onion.

AA3C34C0-E99E-45A2-BF78-33A0531329E4In a large non stick skillet over medium heat,

add the butter until it melts. Add the potatoes,

onions, salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat

until potatoes are cooked through and slightly brown.


Add paprika, mix well and serve!

Fried Potatoes




  • 2 large potatoes (or 3 medium potatoes)
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1/2 cup butter (or bacon grease, oil etc.)
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp. paprika


  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into chunks.
  2. Peel and slice the onion.
  3. Put butter into a large non stick skillet and melt over medium heat.
  4. Add potatoes, onion, salt and pepper to the pan. Cook until potatoes are tender and lightly brown.
  5. Add paprika and stir until combined.



  1. Diane, you and I have the same taste in foods. I love this recipe for potatoes. I also sprinkle some garlic powder on them. And when in a hurry or in the RV, I buy can potatoes, to skip the peeling process.

  2. When I was a young adult and first out on my own, this was one of my go-to dishes. I could eat potatoes every day and never get tired of them! This recipe has “comfort food” written all over it! The photo only makes my mouth water.

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