Heart Shaped Hard Boiled Eggs


I have seen Heart Shaped Hard Boiled Egg pictures floating around the web and thought I would give it try. What a cute idea for a Valentine Day snack or to put in your loved ones salad. This is very simple to do and no special mold is needed.


This is all you need to make your heart shaped eggs. Next time I will use a wooden spoon handle as it is bigger.


Hard boil your eggs the way you always do.


While the eggs are cooking, cut a piece of cardboard and cover it with plastic wrap, keeping it as smooth as you can.


When the eggs are done cooking, put them into a bowl of ice water just long enough that you can hold them, about a minute or two. Peel two eggs at a time.


Place the peeled eggs on the cardboard lengthwise.


Using a chopstick, or round handle on a small wooden spoon, place it on top of the eggs then using a rubber band on each end to hold it in place. Let it sit for about 15 minutes until the egg cools. I think a wooden spoon would have made a better depression than the chopstick did. I felt the chopstick was too small.


Remove the chop stick and rubber bands. Place the eggs, covered, in the refrigerator. I skipped this step and my yolk didn’t look as nice as it does when it’s cold and then you cut it. However, it still worked and tasted like a hard boiled egg.


Slice the egg in half and serve as a snack or in a salad.

This was fun to do but as I said above, I would change two things.

  1. I would use a round handled wooden spoon for a deeper and larger indentation.
  2. I would allow the eggs to cool in the refrigerator before slicing the eggs.


Categories: Uncategorized


  1. How easy is that! I thought (for a moment at least) that you will have to be very creative and cut them like that … which probably meant I would have end up with “scrambled hard boiled eggs” 😉. Definitely worth a try, thanks Diane 👍🏻

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