Homemade Single Pie Crust


If you have had trouble making a pie crust or just never tried, start with this one. It really is the easiest one I have ever made. I have found the secret to making my crust turn out good is by adding enough water so that it isn’t so dry that it cracks and falls apart but not too wet that it’s sticky. As you see in the picture above, the dough formed nicely for me.

To see the step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.


Categories: Desserts, Pies


  1. I am definitely a store crust user. 😂 But it’s good to have this recipe handy should I become less lazy one day! So thanks!

  2. I usually buy my pie crust because I have never had one turn out the way I like it. I may give this one a try and see what I think. I can taste a coconut cream pie in my future.

  3. I follow a squirrel site on Facebook and yesterday I saw a photo of a pumpkin pie with a pie crust that had dough leaves and in the middle was a squirrel … pretty clever and you didn’t see much of the pumpkin. I would not want to eat it after being that creative!

      • You lucked out – good for you. Mom said “well Diane was supposed to get the day off so let me help out my girl!” Glad you liked it Diane … I thought it was a nice touch … maybe too pretty to eat!

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