Our 30th Wedding Anniversary


Today is my husband and my 30th wedding anniversary.

The picture above is from our 25th wedding anniversary

when we went to Alaska. For our 30th anniversary we

had planned to fly first class, cruise in a mini suite and

tour Hawaii to celebrate these wonderful years together.

We planned and saved for this trip for five years.

Instead, my husband will go to work and I will

gratefully care for two of our grandchildren.


Our daughter is our hero, working as a registered nurse

full time in the ICU unit of our local hospital. It is filled to

capacity with Covid patients. So many of her coworkers have

already been infected by the virus. My daughter has been

very careful but we know it is only a matter of time before

she may be infected too. Many of my family members have

been infected with the virus. Thankfully they have all

recovered. My husband, daughter and I talked and decided

it is in the best interest of our entire family for us to stay

away from my daughter and to move our grandkids into our

home until the pandemic gets better or she gets vaccinated.


I went from being in a pandemic slump and disappointed

we had to cancel Thanksgiving, to being excited to cook a

smaller dinner for our grandkids. We started watching

Christmas shows, talking about Santa and even how Santa

will deal with the virus. What a joy grandchildren can be.

Unfortunately I can’t see my other grandson, which I miss

dearly! We were going to my son’s home for Thanksgiving

but now all of our family will stay in their own homes.

Thanks goodness for Facetime!


What a wonderful way to celebrate our 30th anniversary, with

the grandkids and flowers. We can’t go out to dinner, on a trip

or even to a movie, but we are so happy just knowing we are all

safe and healthy. I hope all of you stay safe and healthy too!


Categories: Day Trip/Vacation


  1. A very Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. Your daughter is one of the many true hero’s for sure. I will be thinking of you and your family as well. At least you will have time with your grandkids and hopefully one day soon, we will al be able to spend time with all of our family. Hugs to you all.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Anniversary! 2020 has been a challenge, but you certainly have a silver lining getting to spend time with your grandkids. I will pray for your daughter; she is a hero!

  3. I applaud you for making sacrifices to keep yourself and your family safe. I realize how hard it must be for you, but was heartwarming to hear of your joy in caring for your grandkids. I too have a daughter working in the IU for covid patients. I pray every day that she keeps safe. We too will be spending Thanksgiving at home with our son. Everyone else will be at their home doing the same.
    Enjoy your time with your special family on Thanksgiving.

    • Thank you Shelly and I know you understand how we feel. I pray your daughter and entire family stays safe and you have wonderful holidays. It is so worth the sacrifice of holidays this year to be able to celebrate them all in the years to come. ❀️

  4. Congratulations Diane! ❀️ So amazed at what your daughter, and your whole family, are doing! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and your family stays healthy and safeπŸ™

  5. That is truly too bad that you can’t do your cruise this year, but, it is great that you are celebrating 30 years and looking on the bright side of things. Happy Anniversary and may you get to take your cruise sometime in the near future! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  6. Happy, Happy Anniversary, Diane! ❀️ Enjoy your precious grandchildren!! Joy and Glory!

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  7. Happy Anniversary and congratulations! I am sorry that you do not get to go to Hawaii this year. I hope that you get to go and have a great time when it is safe again to do so. Your story is heartwarming and inspiring. My sister is an RN as well. I hope and pray for your daughter and family’s safety from the virus.

  8. I am sorry I was so late reading this and my wishes are now belated Diane. I remember you mentioned your planned vacation and believe it was when you showed us the Christmas ornament you had ordered – what a disappointment. So many disappointments for this year and all various types of disappointments. I hope for 2021 you can take this trip – make it your 30th anniversary as 2020 was not worth counting as a year anyway with all its disappointments. Well your husband has good taste in flowers and is a perfect match for you too after all these years of wedded bliss. Happy anniversary Diane and Terry!

  9. Happy anniversary! And I will remember your daughter in our prayers here. Our dedicated health care workers are amazing. (I work in the human resources department for a major healthcare provider and daily speak with nurses who tell me about the unbelievable stress this global pandemic has brought to their lives.)

    • Awe thank you so much! You have a lot to worry about too it sounds like! Stay safe and I’m glad they can talk to you about it. The other day all of the police, fire and ambulances parked in the hospital parking lot. When my daughter left work with her coworkers they put on all of their sirens and they all beeped their horns. She filmed it and it gave me goosebumps!

  10. Happy Anniversary to you both! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your grandkids, and I wish your daughter all the very best – how incredibly brave she must be!

    • Thank you so much Erica! It turned out to be a wonderful Thanksgiving and the kids ate like crazy! Lol Thank you for your well wishes for my daughter. I’m not sure any of the frontline workers are as brave as they are scared. I think the hardest part for her this time (we moved the kids in back in March through May) is missing the kids. I will be so happy when this is all over Erica, stay safe!

      • I hear you! I cannot wait until life is even quasi-normal again too. Glad to hear your family had a lovely Thanksgiving regardless of all the hardship. I send all my best to your daughter during this horrific time! Stay safe as well!

  11. How wonderful that you have chosen to be there for your grandkids and creating a loving home for them. We have all had a change of life these days. Hoping your daughter stays well. There are so many delicious looking dishes on your website! I’m a vegetarian (pescatarian, actually), but sometimes find things I can adapt. Not the greatest cook, but I definitely have time these days to trying something new now and again.

    • You are so kind, thank you. I do occasionally post recipes without meat. I don’t know exactly what you can eat but I am going to try air fryer cauliflower by orders from my 6 year old grandson! Lol

  12. Congratulations on your anniversary! …and best wishes to your daughter, I hope all goes well with her.

    For all of you…

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your fields

  13. Happy Anniversary Diane. Ray and I went to Alaska for our 25th anniversary too. Your daughter is a hero and I pray that she does not get infected. I love that you are able to have your grandchildren with you to keep them safe and to hold them close. They will be your strength and love over the next little while. Stay safe, my friend. πŸ˜·πŸ’–πŸ€—πŸ™

    • Thank you Carla! Having the grandkids here has taken away the gloom and doom from the virus. They make us laugh, they fight, they talk back….all the normal kid stuff! Their excitement for Christmas just lights up my heart. I am looking forward to Christmas but feeling so sad for my daughter. We FaceTime all the important stuff like today when ELFIE (Elf on the shelf) showed up at our house.

      We will never have a more wonderful trip than Alaska. It was perfect in every way, nothing went wrong. Great minds think alike…lol

      • When my grandson saw my tree last week, it was priceless. I wish I would have taken a video. He is only 2 and he was so excited. Glad things are going well.

  14. What a wonderful milestone … happy (belated) 30th anniversary. You and your husband are truly blessed to have each other πŸ’Œ. We will be married for 25 years this year and I thank the Lord every day for His blessings in our marriage.
    Hope you will get your anniversary journey soon … think about it, now you have more time to add to your savings for an even greater trip!
    Hope your daughter is still doing fine – will keep her in our prayers πŸ™πŸ»

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