Air Fryer Home Fries


Home Fries in the Air Fryer may not look like they came from a restaurant but they taste amazing and they are so much healthier! Crisp on the outside, tender on the inside and golden brown they are as easy to make as peeling the potatoes, cutting them into cubes, season and Air Fry. I made a big breakfast and I cooked these in my Ninja Foodi on the Air Crisp setting.


Rinse the dirt off of the potatoes and peel. We usually leave the skin on but the grandkids won’t eat them if the skin is on so I peeled them. (Yes they are spoiled).


Chop the potatoes into 3/4” cubes.


Place the cubed potatoes into the air fryer pan. Drizzle with a little olive oil or spray with cooking oil and toss. I add the oil so the seasoning can stick to the potatoes.


Salt and pepper to taste or add any other seasonings of your choice then toss to combine.


Cook on the air fryer setting at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, I did not preheat the air fryer. Stir and continue to cook at 5 minute increments and stir until the potatoes are crisp on the outside, tender on the inside and start to brown. Cooking time will vary depending on how many potatoes you use and how thick you cut them. Mine took a total of 30 minutes. Just watch them carefully after the first 15 minutes of cooking and remove when the potatoes are tender.


  1. Looks great and I love how easy it looks! I think I’m gonna ask Santa for an air fryer this year. Have you tried making sweet potato fries with the Ninja?

    • Me too I haven’t been using this unit for very long. I have the Ninja Foodi and it has a pressure cooker. I haven’t been brave enough to try it I have air fried breakfast sausage, wings (amazing), chicken, French fries, bacon, Italian sausage and these potatoes so I’m getting there. Do you have any winner recipes you have tried in yours? If so I would love to try it. Thanks Christy!

      • Not yet, I’m still doing some frozen foods like burritos, fries, mozzarella sticks. But I’ve been thinking of doing my herbed potatoes soon and seeing how your home fries did well, I might try it and I will post the recipe when I do. Might also try some β€œfried” chicken.

      • Made herbed potatoes in the air fryer and they turned out great. Do you mind if I mention your home fries on my site and post a link to your wonderful site when I post it soon?

      • Of course I don’t mind since you put my link on. If you ever want to share any of my recipes you don’t have to ask me, just share my website and I’m happy. Thank you so much and I’m glad the potatoes turned out great. I will be posting more recipes as I am loving this air fryer on my Ninja Foodi!!! Have a great weekend Christy!

      • Can’t wait to see more of your air fryer recipes. I’m just now branching out with mine lol. You have a great weekend as well.

  2. Just received an air fryer myself. Still in the box, actually, but I’ll start experimenting with it soon. Home fries seem like a good place to begin.

  3. These look so yummy, I think I would add onion salt instead of regular. I am loving my air fryer, although I have only done chicken wings and fries in it so far.

    • Thanks Carla! Try brats or Italian sausage. I thought I had posted about them but I don’t see where I did. I make them all the time so I will be posting about them soon.

      • Wonderful, I bought some Italian Sausage last week and put some in the freezer, so I will watch for your post.

  4. I just got an air fryer for Christmas and I’ve been afraid to try it! This looks doable. I love that you peel for the grandkids! You’re too kind! I’ll let you know how they come out! Happy New Year Diane! πŸ’•C

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