Our Raised Bed Vegetable Garden


A few months ago one of my followers ask me to post pictures of our vegetable garden. It is not a gigantic garden but plenty big for our needs.

My husband made the 4’ X 4’ and 1’ x 4’ raised beds and they have worked well for us. We lay last years straw between the rows to control the weeds. The first year we did this we used fresh straw and it germinated and all we did is weed all summer long! Lesson learned, always let it sit over the winter to kill off any possible growth.

Below are the plants in our garden. The only thing missing is the lettuce as it bolted when it got hot and is done for the season. It was where the bare spot is on the left bed above.



Cherry Tomatoes



Blueberry Bushes



Brussels Sprouts – something is eating them.






Jalapeño Peppers



Green Peppers – My husband tied up the pepper plants and didn’t know he tied up the pepper…lol












The cucumbers always grow out of the raised bed. We have been picking four cucumbers every day from this raised bed.



Asparagus that I am done picking for the year and now has gone to seed.



Raspberries that are just starting to ripen.



This bed is my perineal herbs. I have sage, oregano, chives, thyme and lemon thyme.



This bed is my annual herbs. I use these the most so I planted two of each basil, rosemary and parsley.



Less than a week ago I cut back all of my herbs and dehydrated the six containers above. The chives I set in a glass with a little water and put them in the refrigerator as I use them mostly for garnish.



This fenced in area is our compost area. We dump all of our vegetable ends, peels etc. into the compost area. Every year we get volunteer plants from throwing out vegetables with seeds. It usually is always tomatoes but one year we grew spaghetti squash there. We let the plants grow because we get the best tasting tomatoes from the entire garden out of the compost area.

Well that’s our garden. We have learned the best way to make it the easiest to care for, for us. I hope you enjoyed the garden as much as I did sharing it!


Categories: My Garden


    • This year was the best year ever. We had so much produce. Usually the bugs do us in but not this year. We have about a dozen tomatoes to eat and then it’s done. I picked the rest of all my herbs today to dehydrate too. Thanks and I hope you have a great garden too some day.

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