Two Ingredient Homemade Frozen Fudgsicles


My five year old grandson made this delicious

Homemade Fudgsicle. It was his first time making

a dessert and he was so excited. Made with pudding

then frozen, they taste like ice cream and they taste

amazing! If you don’t have any molds that can go into

the freezer, like me, use four disposable 5 oz. wax coated

kitchen cups. They make the ideal shape to eat your Fudgsicles.


These are wonderful for the single person that doesn’t

want to buy an entire container of ice cream or it makes

enough for dessert to serve four people. My husband

and I enjoyed them with the grandkids for our dessert.

I have not tried it, but I would think the sugar free

instant pudding would work too.






Add the dry pudding to a medium bowl.



Pour in the milk.



Whisk for 2 minutes then

refrigerate for 5 minutes.



Pour 1/2 cup of the pudding into four

5 oz. wax coated disposable cups. Place

a craft stick into the center of each cup.



Freeze for 3 – 4 hours. Hold your hand

around the cup for a few seconds then

gently pull out the Fudgsicle and serve.


Two Ingredient Homemade Frozen Fudgsicles



  • 1 small box (3.9 oz.) Jell-O Instant Chocolate Pudding
  • 2 cups cold milk

You will need 4 craft sticks (popsicle sticks) and 4 – five ounce disposable wax coated kitchen cups (Like Dixie Cups) or 4 oz. freezer molds


  1. In medium bowl add the dry pudding and the milk.
  2. Whisk for 2 minutes then refrigerate for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour 1/2 cup of the pudding into each wax coated disposable cups or molds.
  4. Place a craft stick into the center of each cup.
  5. Place the cups into the freezer for 3 – 4 hours or until frozen.
  6. Remove the cups from the freezer and wrap your hands around the outside of each cup until you can remove the fudgsicle. This only takes a few seconds, then serve.


  1. This looks great! I’ve bookmarked this – along with your homemade fudge recipe – to make one day soon.

  2. This is awesome Diane. I just bought some pudding. I bet my grandkids would love making these and then getting to eat them for a snack. So easy, I’m not sure why I never thought of it.

  3. I bet these taste just like the pudding pops we loved as kids! I had forgot about those until seeing this. I’ll have to try these!

  4. I didn’t realize it was this easy! Definitely going to try this with my kids this summer. Maybe make enough for the neighborhood kids that come over! Thanks for the how to! 🙂

    • They would be the perfect treat Linda. You could even try it with sugar free pudding mix if you didn’t want the calories. Also, made the Lipton spaghetti, they all went back for seconds! Will be posting soon.

      • Yes, the weather is already a scorcher like it is August for goodness sake. I am going to try it. I’ve got some instant lemon, butterscotch and pistachio here at the house now. Oh, I’ll look forward to seeing that spaghetti photos – glad everyone liked it. Did it smell the house up like onions? There is no fan in this kitchen, so yes – that onion soup smell lingered for a really long time.

      • Another winner! Did you have a bad storm today? We are on the tail end of this severe storm that I had angst over all day. It was a good rain, that’s for sure – glad the tornado watch will be cancelled soon.

      • It destroyed our early 1900 theater! My daughter will be without power until Monday. We had 70 MPH straight line winds but No tornados. Poles knocked over all over town. One fell on a laundromat, caught it on fire and destroyed it with an apartment upstairs. It ripped parts of the roof off of one of our fire stations. It was awful and scary. We only lost a branch, straw from the garden and trash blew out of the gigantic roll off container we are filling up with junk. Feeling blessed today!

      • I’m doing “liked” that you didn’t have worse damage than what you did – OMG to what happened in your city though and to your daughter! I worried and fretted all yesterday as they said it was statewide and even talked about two tornadoes at one time. I lucked out as we only had high winds – they predicted the 70 mph winds you got, we got just 45 mph, no hail. Where my boss lives 20 miles away, the City was going to have an expert come in to verify if it was a small tornado, as it lifted a house off its foundation, tore trees out of the ground and knocked a chimney off a roof. We are not even in the Summer season – it’s way too early for all these heat spikes and volatile weather. I hope this is not going to be the norm this Summer or going forward. The grandchildren are back again at your house – your daughter too or staying away from you and your husband?

      • For now they are only here from Thursday through Sunday night. They are talking about another outbreak so if it does the grandkids will move back in full time. I don’t ever remember so many bad things happening at the same time.

      • Yes, I remembered they only are there part-time; at least they can go to your house during the power outage and be cool and not have to be in the dark either – hopefully their pets are okay being there all weekend, but it is cooler now too. I think there will be a resurgence once everything opens up completely; there are already spikes post-Memorial Day. I hope it stays status quo for your state as your family is heavily involved in the medical field. Yes, 2020 has been a horrific year on so many levels.

  5. Diane, Seeing this recipe made me think about the old days when I was a kid…I always wanted to have two of these pops, but my mom only let us have one each…now I can have as many as I want…thanks, Diane.

  6. Can’t wait to try these! Fudgsicles were my favorite growing up in the country, eating them on my grandparents back porch.

  7. This one really brings back memories of too long ago to mention. Fudgesicles were a favorite of mine as a little boy and I never grew out of that. But I haven’t had one, or even thought about one in so long now. Thank you for bringing back this one!!

  8. One of those perfect childhood memories, a treat I had only in the summer. Creamsicles were pretty great, too. Thank you, Diane!

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