Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy this day with your family, friends and all that wonderful food I know you have prepared. Remember this day is not about the gifts but the wonderful memories you create being together and more importantly, the birth of Jesus Christ. Tomorrow is not promised so cherish today!

Everyone is coming to my house today. I have decided not to make a gigantic meal but instead to have an afternoon of appetizers. We are having shrimp cocktail, potato skins, veggie tray, three types of sausage, cheese and crackers, salsa with Scoops, taco dip, sausage crescent rolls, Swedish meatballs, ham sandwiches and cookies. I did something different this year and asked each family to bring an appetizer. This will be the easiest Christmas ever!

Merry Christmas,


Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Merry Christmas, Diane! Wishing you, your loved ones, and your followers peace and joy through the remainder of this year, and so many blessings in the new year. πŸŽ„βœ¨

    • Thanks Michelle! I thought it was too but my son brought the crackers and forgot the cheese. My daughter showed up 2 hours after we ate and we missed out on the veggie tray……kids! Then my 90 year old mother in law brings 3 appetizers. They could learn from her! Hahahahaha Luckily I made so much it really didn’t matter. We had tons of leftovers. I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as ours.

  2. love the idea of appetizers for Christmas! One year, my parents were in Colorado, we had shrimp and fixings to go with it for Thanksgiving dinner back here in MD. The year before my dad passed away we had breakfast for Christmas dinner – buttermilk blueberry pancakes (homemade), sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs.
    Hope you have a merry Christmas!

    • I love the idea of breakfast for Christmas dinner. When my kids were young that was always my husbands special breakfast thing he did. We opened gifts and then he made and cleaned up a huge breakfast. What a wonderful memory of your last Christmas with your Dad.

  3. Ahhh, and you keep the tags on… LOL… Plan on selling them and want them to retain their value? I say Enjoy. The tags were not meant to remain on… says the woman who kept all boxes and packaging for 31 years worth of Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments – but I overcame and gave the whole collection away to a friend. Just STUFF!

    • Yes these two ornaments are special because one is from my mom and the other from my aunt who passed away recently. They were both thoughtful Christmas gifts last year. I just gave about 250 Beanie Babies away to under privileged children for Christmas. I have no idea if they were rare and worth anything but I am cleaning out my STUFF too! Boy does it feel good!

      • I did that two years ago after reading a book titled “A Year with Less”… Or “The Year with Less”
        Sounds weird but after in littering my home by about 1/3, it was even easier to breathe. The space was uplifting. Little did I know I was actually making way for my business 18 months early.

      • Hopefully neither of those. My goal is to always work from home and have 3, poss 4 employees also working from their own homes, that I can visit once a week, delivering supplies and picking up stock. In Newfoundland… On my own until then… for next 15 tob18 months.

        Inventory on the weekend while laptop is in the shop revving up.

    • Yes the appetizers made it so easy and gave me more time to be with my family instead of the kitchen. The ornaments were gifts from my mom and aunt last year. They are so special to me. Thank you!

  4. I hope you had a great Christmas and will have a wonderful new year.
    At Christmas dinner, several of us were reminiscing on what was traditional Christmas food in our youth. Perhaps a little like you, my mother grew tired of the work of a big meal after all the bustle of Christmas; she would put out a buffet rather than having a formal meal.

    • That’s what I did for Thanksgiving. I made almost all my food the day before and put everything in warmers and crockpots on Thanksgiving. I have a grandson that just turned 1 in October and I hardly get to see him. I wanted to spend time with my family, not cooking in the kitchen. You have a Happy New Year!!!

  5. I love those little Christmas ornaments! It’s funny you said about trying something different, we decided next year to do Italian. We did that a few years ago and some of the older relatives complained (no turkey) but we decided to try again next year!
    All the best to you and yours in the New Year, Diane.

    • I thought so too but then my son forgot the cheese tray but remembered the crackers and my daughter showed up with the veggie tray after we ate most of the food! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ And everyone wonders why I do everything myself!

      • The imperfections of the holidays. I try to not let those little things bother me anymore. Just not worth the stress. Got to love our kids. πŸ₯°

      • We had so much fun with my son. He blamed his wife, she blamed him. We all joked about how good cheese would have tasted. The next day my daughter in law took a picture of the cheese and sent it to me….lol Years ago it would have bothered me. Now that I’m older nothing bothers me. It makes life so much easier! Yes, we have to love them, we are all human.

      • So glad to hear you had fun! Love the β€œhe said, she said”. All you can do is joke about it. Life is too darn short to be serious & stressed over little things.

  6. Merry Christmas, with a huge delay, dear Diane!
    Also, in advance I am going to wish you a Happy New Year, Full of fulfillment and joy!

    Take care! 🌲

  7. Those ornaments are darling and perfect for the chef or baker! Hope you enjoyed your Christmas! I love the idea of trying something different with doing appetisers. Thanks for sharing Diane! Blessings for 2020, Joy

    • Thank you for your kind words Joy. Christmas was wonderful & I hope yours was too. Both ornaments were given to me as gifts last year from family. I love them…of course they are cooking related. lol Have a healthy and Happy New Year!

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