Easy Cheese Ball Biscuits


Easy Cheese Ball Biscuits are made with three types of shredded cheese. They are crispy on the bottom and soft on the inside with a delicious cheesy flavor. These are perfect for a family meal or for any occasion.

Adapted from: Step away from the Carbs






In a medium bowl whisk the

eggs slightly with a fork.



Add the rest of the ingredients.



Stir well with the fork.



Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.



Divide into 8 equal sections and roll into

8 balls. This is very sticky and I rinsed

my hands after rolling 2 balls,

dried them and repeated.



Bake in a preheated 400 degree

oven for 12 – 14 minutes until the

bottom is crispy brown.



Place on a serving plate and serve warm.


Easy Cheese Ball Biscuits




  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Whisk the eggs slightly with a fork in a medium bowl.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until combined with the fork.
  4. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  5. Divide the mixture into 8 equal parts and roll into 8 balls. They are sticky so I rinsed and dried my hands after rolling 2 balls to make it easier. Place them onto the parchment paper keeping them 2″ apart.
  6. Bake for 12 – 14 minutes until crispy brown on the bottom.
  7. Place on a serving plate and serve warm.



Categories: Cheese, Eggs, Snacks/Appetizers


  1. What are ya doin’ to me. 10 minutes to lunch break and out for a walk… Really? Adapted from low carb? Let me guess – ya put the carbs – and with it the flavour – back in!!!

    • Hahahaha yes if you make them with almond flour they would be super low carb. I didn’t have any so I used all-purpose flour which has more carbs. I say eat one and walk faster….lol

  2. Anything with easy and cheese in the title calls my name. I think I will make these to go with the pasta I am making for the grandkids on Friday. Yum.

  3. My goodness! You are like an extensive recipe catalog. If I don’t know what to fix for a meal, I can just see what’s cooking “In Dianes Kitchen.” So glad you followed me.

  4. Yet another one to have a go at when I get home. I swear it is going to take me a year just to get through your last couple of month’s posts!

    • Hahaha thank you Fergy! My husband gets mad at me because I rarely cook the same things. He will say this is really good and he will never see it again. I tell him pick it out of my blog and I will make it but he doesn’t. When I was growing up everyone had the same 7 meals on the same days every week. Although it would make it easy to plan your meals, I would get so sick of that.

      • Tell hubby that variety is the spice of life and all that kind of stuff. Also, if he cannot be bothered to go through your blog it is his own fault. Let’s face it, plenty of complete strangers, myself included, are happy to spend hours doing just that.

        Alternatively, tell him it is his turn to cook for you and see what transpires!

        I remember the seven day menu concept from when I was a child. Both my Mother and my maternal Grandmother who lived with us were great cooks but that was just the way it was. Roast dinner on Sunday, fish on Friday (even though we were not religious) and so on. Food was so much less “upfront” than it is now. I remember being invited to the home of a Mauritian chum of mine down the road one evening and I had a curry. This was unusual as there were very few immigrants in Northern Ireland then. I told my parents about it and neither of them had ever had a curry! How times have changed.

      • Haha I love the way you think! He will cook for me if I ask. But his meals are open a jar spaghetti, hamburgers etc. and I never complain because it is a night off for me. Thank you Fergy!

  5. Can’t wait to try these! I’ve always been afraid (or too lazy) to try making any kind of breads. These cheese ball biscuits are right up my alley, and they look delish! Thank you for posting, Diane.

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