Lemon & Cream Cheese Pastry


What is it about puff pastry that is so good? Throw in some cream cheese, lemon curd then top it off with a lemon glaze and it is even more amazing! You can use any flavor of pie filling you want to make this pastry. This brand of puff pastry is so easy to work with and the taste is amazing!

Click on the link below to see the step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card.


Categories: Uncategorized


  1. I love lemon curd, so I’m always happy to find a recipe that uses it. I usually spread it on bread, but I like the thought of using puff pastry instead. Mixing it with cream cheese is a great idea.

    • Wow I haven’t tried lemon curd homemade yet. I have so many things to make on my bucket list when I retire! lol I hope your husband loves this as much as I did!

      • Haha! Me too!
        Lemon curd is really easy. We keep a small flock of hens, so when we have extra eggs I like to make up a batch of curd. I like it mixed into yogurt.
        But I can’t get the thought of this recipe out of my head! Lol! Mmmm-sweet dreamin’

  2. Omgosh, Diane! Were you looking for heaven and found this instead!?! I love pastry and I love lemon so you know where this leaves me!!! Five pounds heavier, that’s where – LOL!!! This is grand!!

  3. Oh yum! I can’t pass up lemon. We’re doing lower carb right now and I walked into our nicer grocery store and they had samples of lemon rosemary bread out. My willpower didn’t stand a chance. I don’t think it even pretended to resist!

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