Green Eggs & Ham


Yes I did, I made Green Eggs & Ham just like in the Dr. Seuss book. What a great recipe to feed the family on St Patrick’s Day too! Green Eggs & Ham was requested by my granddaughter and she wanted to help make them. Both grandkids cleaned their plate. Did you know that when you make this you do not use green food coloring? It was a simple meal not to say quick and it tastes just like regular scrambled eggs.






Crack the eggs into a small bowl being

careful not to get any eggshell into the bowl.



Whisk until thoroughly mixed.



Add 3 drops of blue food coloring. Yes

blue because blue and yellow makes green.



Whisk until combined.



Add the salt and pepper and whisk.



In a medium non stick pan over medium

low heat, cook the ham about 2 minutes

until hot, stirring frequently.



Slowly pour the egg mixture over the

ham trying to keep the ham in place.



Cook the egg turning it and

breaking it up as it cooks.



Place into serving bowls and serve.


Green Eggs & Ham



  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup ham, diced small
  • 3 drops blue food coloring (I used liquid)
  • salt & pepper, to taste


  1. Crack the eggs into a small bowl being careful not to get any egg shell into the bowl.
  2. Whisk until thoroughly mixed.
  3. Place 3 drops of food coloring into the eggs and whisk until combined well and they are completely green.
  4. Add salt & pepper and whisk.
  5. In a medium non stick fry pan over medium low heat, cook the ham for 2 minutes stirring frequently.
  6. Slowly pour the egg mixture over the ham trying to keep the ham in place.
  7. Cook the eggs turning and breaking them up as they cook. Cook until the egg is fully cooked.
  8. Place eggs into a serving bowl and serve.


  1. They are SO fun!! Have you ever used pumpkin seed oil to fry your eggs in? “Dr. Seuss” grandparents (parents?) cooked with this as did many people from the Austria region – they still do – and it makes the food green naturally. It has a wonderful flavor! Green eggs and Ham! My daughter traveled the region and now that is the only way she will eat her eggs – LOL!

  2. Yipes, theyre green all right! I just need some really dark shades to wear in a really darkly lit dining area, and I wouldnt know the difference to enjoy this. Fun post, Diane!

  3. I don’t think I could do it. I know it’s the same, but the color…and green is my favorite, but green eggs…I’m having flashbacks to when they brought out different colors of ketchup. Do you remember that?

      • LOL, sounds like my kids when they were little! One was always trying to copy, or outdo the other!
        I can’t imagine eating green eggs, but I bet they had fun!!

  4. How old are your grandkids? Mine is going to be 11 this year and he loves to craft with me, but has a very short attention span. Used to help Darcy with baking, but even that is apparently no fun for him anymore – darn technology! LOL

    • Oh yes technology is destroying grandma time! Mine are 4 & Sunday my Granddaughter turns 8. I can still do crafts with my granddaughter but my grandson is either too young or just not interested.

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