Bacon Jerky


Yes I did! I made me some Bacon Jerky and it turned out great! There are only three ingredients in this delicious Bacon Jerky. It was so different from anything I have ever dehydrated before. Keep in mind that you cannot dehydrate fat. However, what the dehydrator did to the bacon fat tasted amazing! As you see in the picture, the bacon turned out stiff but it was easy to bite and chew, unlike beef jerky! Add the brown sugar and black pepper and you will think you are eating breakfast! I actually ate this cold from the refrigerator and it was still amazing!

Source: Adapted from Debi Schull






Mix the pepper with the brown sugar.



Cut the bacon pieces in half.



Push each piece of bacon into the

brown sugar mixture on both sides.



Place the bacon on a dehydrator tray.

I used solid mats for the first half  of

dehydrating so the bacon grease didn’t drip

through. If you don’t have one use parchment paper.



Dehydrate for 9 hours then remove the solid mat.

Turn the bacon over and place it on the tray with

slots or mesh. Dehydrate another 9 hours.



Serve and refrigerate any leftovers.


Bacon Jerky



  • 1 pound thick bacon, cut in half lengthwise
  • 1-1/2 cup loose brown sugar, not firmly packed
  • 2 tsp black pepper


  1. Combine the brown sugar and the pepper on a plate.
  2. Cover both sides of all of the bacon with the brown sugar mixture, pressing the bacon into the sugar.
  3. Place the bacon on the tray of a dehydrator. Use a solid mat or put parchment paper down first.
  4. Dehydrate for 9 hours.
  5. Remove the parchment paper or mat and turn the bacon over and dehydrate 9 more hours.
  6. Remove from the dehydrator and serve. Cover leftovers in an airtight container, refrigerate and eat within 2-3 days.

The 18 hours that I dehydrated is how long it took my dehydrator but I have a thermostat with a jerky setting. I believe it was 140 degrees. You will know when it is done by the color of the meaty part of the bacon. If you keep it in too long it will start to turn black so don’t let it get black.





Categories: Dehydrated, Pork/Ham


    • It takes a long time to dehydrate and disappeared fast! But sooooo worth it! Next time I may try it without the sugar but the sugar made it even better! When the bacon started to dehydrate it melted the sugar and made like a glaze….yum!

  1. I’ve had this before. But from a store… it was just like the limp funk we ate in the army lol!! I do believe this recipe will far surpass my previous experience!

  2. My kids recently discovered and fell in love with jerky and kinda convinced me too! It’s like the perfect snack for them to eat after their tournaments! 100% muscle rebuilder protein 😊 they will be so excited when I tell them there is bacon jerky!

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