Mandarin Salad


Mandarin Salad is one of my favorite salads made with homemade Sweet & Sour Dressing with Parsley (link below). This salad dressing is the key to this salad. The fresh vegetables in this salad combined with the amazing salad dressing and mandarin oranges make this such a refreshing salad. This is a great salad to impress your guests but to be honest with you, I love it anytime! I don’t know what it is about mandarin oranges, but it sets this salad above all others!






Combine the spinach and romaine lettuce on a large serving dish.

Top with celery, green onion and mandarin oranges.



Drizzle Sweet & Sour Dressing with Parsley and serve.


Mandarin Salad



  • 1 bunch Romaine hearts, rinsed & torn into bite size pieces
  • 1 bag spinach, stems removed
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • 2 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 can mandarin oranges segments

Sweet & Sour Dressing with Parsley – link below


  1. On a large serving plate or in a bowl, combine whatever amount of the Romaine lettuce and the spinach you would like.
  2. Top with as much of the celery, green onion and mandarin orange segments you would like.
  3. Drizzle Sweet and Sour Dressing with Parsley on top and serve. This salad dressing is the key to this delicious salad.






  1. Seems like a silly question,but are you chopping up the green of the green onion or just the bottom? Both parts of the onion taste slightly different and so that is why I wondered.

    • I only did the bottom but the only reason was the greens didn’t look good enough for the blog picture. Normally I put it all in and you’re right, there is a different taste. Thank you for a great question! You are very observant!

      • I’m eating green onion again after years of forgetting about them. As kids, we picked them from the garden, buttered bread and just laid the onion on the bread. fold and eat. Funny thing was, I hated onions of other kinds!

      • Me too! Green onions are the only raw onion I will eat on food. I love cooked onion though. I’m not sure I love them enough to have a sandwich though…lol

      • I’m a little bit more leery of raw onion now that I know you can get salmonella poisoning from them so easily. I had no idea onions go bad so fast.

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