Over 100,000 hits & 2,600 followers!


You all are so awesome! In 14 months you have given me stats I never dreamed of getting. Thank you so much for letting me share my passion of cooking. All of your wonderful comments have allowed me to learn from and about you giving me a blogging family. I look forward to reading your comments every day. My followers from other countries, you have taught me so much about food and ingredients I never knew existed. All of my other followers, thank you for all the support and inspiration. I love when I post a recipe and you tell me how you fix yours. I love reading about your lives and I am so excited to see what the next year brings!

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Wow, so many followers, and you deserve them all. You are very dedicated to your blog Diane. It is great learning about things from other countries through blogs. I’m learning so much, and am in awe of so many people’s ability.

  2. Thanks for following my blog Diane and I have just followed yours as well. I sure can stand to learn a few things about cooking and food preparation … since it is just me, my meals are pretty lame! That said, I don’t look like I am wasting away, but all your food pictures I just while looking around your blog sure look delicious … and easy. Easy works for me. 🙂

  3. Wow! Well done. Your warmth shines through in your cooking and for your family. If only we could have a Diane like you in our life here in South Africa. Our blessed aunt has gone to her beloved Jesus. When I see your culinary treats, I so want to share it with her too.

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