Bone Broth


You have been told your entire life to eat chicken noodle soup when you are sick right? Well let me tell you, this bone broth is so much better than chicken noodle soup in my opinion! Not only is Bone Broth good for you but the flavor is the best  broth you will ever taste!

Why is it so healthy to drink this Bone Broth? It is high in calcium and magnesium along with other nutrients. It also helps with digestion and it helps to reduce joint pain and inflammation. It is made with all types of vegetables and bone that is filled with marrow. The richness of that marrow and vegetables is what makes this Bone Broth taste so good!

Source: Cooking from Scratch on Debbie’s Back Porch Facebook group




It takes a lot of time to make Bone Broth (24-48 hours). First thing you want to do is save all of your vegetable pieces and ends that you would normally throw away. Think onion, onion skin, tomato, carrot, celery, okra, beans… well you get the picture. Keep them in a freezer bag in the freezer and just keep adding to the bags. (You can also use fresh whole veggies cut up that doesn’t need to be frozen). Once you get about a roaster full, go to your butcher and ask for any bones with marrow that they have and have them cut into about 2-3 inches in length. I probably used about 5-6 pounds of bones. If they have some meat on them, even better.



Once I had all my vegetables and bones, I put them into a large roasting pan with the bones on the bottom. Bake them uncovered for 1 hour at 350 degrees. This gives the bone broth its color.



Place all of the veggies and bones into an large electric roaster. Cover the bones and vegetables with water and 1 ounce of vinegar. Cook covered at 210 degrees for 24 – 36 hours.

Remove the bones, strain the stock with cheesecloth or a jelly bag and refrigerate the broth. Use a hammer and crush or break the bones releasing the marrow. Return the bones and strained veggies to the roaster along with about half as much water from what you added the first time.

Simmer another 8-12 hours then strain again and refrigerate, discarding the bones and vegetables. Once the fat forms on top, skim it off of both batches of broth and discard it or save it to use for something else later. Add the two batches of broth together in a large pan and heat until combined. Remove from the heat and let cool.


Once cool enough to touch, pour the bone broth into freezer bags. I laid my bags flat on a cookie sheet, one on top of the other, so that I could stack them in the freezer once frozen. Once they are frozen, remove the pan from the freezer. Thaw and use as needed.










Categories: Broth


    • It is time consuming but not labor intensive. It can be done in a large pot on the stove but I am uncomfortable going to bed with the burner on! The house smells so good when it is cooking!

  1. I never thought to make it in the electric roaster! You are genius. 😘 I make it in a huge stockpot but it really takes forever. I heard people make it in the crock pot but that only gives so much. It’s time consuming so you want a lot to freeze and use multiple times. Thank you again for a fantastic tip!

  2. The actual broth is fantastic, but friends of mine just started Bone Broth Brothers and it’s a powder form that you add to recipes and protein shakes. Get the benefit without the hassle!

  3. Bone Broth just makes so much sense. I’ve been making it, cooking with it, drinking it straight for years. I love that nothing gets thrown out or goes to waste when you throw it in the bone broth. Thanks for this post!

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