Garden Goodness

Who doesn’t love walking out to the garden and bringing in fresh lettuce, herbs, spinach and strawberries? It is a labor of love that my husband and I love to do. My husband and granddaughter picked our first crop of lettuce and herbs today. In the picture above the lettuce on the left is called Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce and the lettuce on the right is called Buttercrunch Lettuce. We should get a lot of great salads from these two varieties.



The herbs are what I like growing. I just keep cutting them and then I dehydrate them. I store them dried for use all winter. Starting from the front is Basil. The large group on the left is Thyme then Parsley, Sage and Tarragon. Flowers started to form on the Tarragon but I just picked them off. Flowers also started to form on the Thyme which I will just dehydrate with the flower. Normally I get these cut before they flower but they snuck up on me…lol.


The last thing they picked today was Strawberries and spinach. This is the second year for our strawberries. The first year you have to pick off all the flowers to build up the root system. We are excited to have fresh strawberries. My granddaughter picked the strawberries so of course she assumed they were all hers! I got caught sneaking two small ones and I heard “Grandma those are mine!” That’s why we love growing our own food.

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