Baked German Potato Salad

German Potato Salad has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. It is made with sliced potatoes, bacon, green onions, a sweet & sour sauce and seasonings. Then it is baked in the oven and served hot.

To see my step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click below.


  1. I don’t think I’ve ever had German potato salad and didn’t know you had it hot. Surprised since my father was German, but maybe because he was more into potato pancakes!

      • That surprises me Linda. There is a German Village about 2 hours away that we went to when we visited my husband’s brother before he passed. They always had it on their buffet table and it was so sour! Of course it still tasted good but we like it a bit sweeter than theirs.

      • That is interesting. When I was younger and went with my parents, they went to the Germania Club events. The big attraction was the steak tartare, which was something I had never tried before. They never even had any types of sausage platter or German bread (which I love).

      • I love bread too and the German bread is rustic bread, thick and chewy – it’s wonderful. We used to buy it from a butcher shop that just went out of business last month – they sold Dimpflmeier bread – very good.

  2. We like to make a warm potato salad in the winter. Then the potatoes are diced and we mix together mayonnaise and chutney and stir that through the potatoes (and the fried bacon). I am definitely going to try this German Potato Salad of yours when we make a hot potato salad again.

    • This is one I will eat hot or cold. We make a large batch just so I can it hot the first day then leftovers to eat cold for the next day. Your potato salad sounds amazing, I have never had it with chutney in it.

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