Spring Has Sprung At Our House

I always know Spring is officially here when the Grosbeaks show up at our bird feeder. Read on to see the flowers and plants that have either bloomed or sprouted at our house. I took this picture through my window about 6 feet from my chair.

We are all waiting for the Orioles and Hummingbirds to arrive, any day now.

Our Flowering Pear Tree is the first tree to flower.

The Blueberry Bushes have buds.

The chives need to be cut already!

The Rhubarb has peaked through the straw that we recently added for weed control. My asparagus is also in this area but hasn’t popped out of the ground yet, but it won’t be long.

The Wisteria is still dormant, but the Hosta have emerged from the ground.

While I was taking pictures I noticed an Easter egg the grandkids missed from their Easter egg hunt, do you see it?

My succulent is changing its color and getting huge. I can’t seem to get rid of that darn dandelion!

The Cabana is ready for company as we brought the table out of storage from our pole barn.

The Peonies have emerged, I love the gigantic flowers these will produce. I have 7 plants, all different colors. I place the wire guide rack in the ground before they emerge. As the plants grow, I keep raising the rack which keeps the flowers upright when they bloom.

The rest of the pictures are random flowers around our house, some flowering and some not.

These pretty Violets have grown into the grass.

The Dandelions have begun and my husband has cut the grass for the first time.

Thank you for taking the time to see our yard where we call home. Nothing has been landscaped professionally as you can tell, however, it is my little piece of nature.


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  1. Happy Spring! Everything is lovely! I love the General Store bird feeder. Great capture with the grosbeak on it! And great idea for the peonies. I could not see the Easter egg. What time should we be there for the cabana party? 🙂

    • Thank you Betty. The cabana has only had one family celebration in it so far. I go out there a lot, it is my favorite spot in the yard because it is up higher and I can see the entire yard. The egg is orange and right behind the 2nd raised bed from the left. It is in the straw.

  2. Beautiful! We’re several weeks ahead of you here in the piedmont of North Carolina. I haven’t seen a rose-breasted grosbeak this spring. They just pass through on their way north and are usually at our feeder only a day or two. Take care of yourself, Diane.

    • Thank you so much Emily and you are very welcome. With living in the country not too many people see our yard except for driving by. I enjoy being able to share it all with everyone.

  3. Spring is in the air, when a young man’s fancy turns to…love.
    Unfortunately, I am just about 70. My thoughts turned to growing tomatoes. Planted some a little too early though and they died from a late frost. Undaunted. I will rebuild/replant!

  4. You have such a pretty yard and such beautiful birds. Here in Virginia, there’s always the chance of a rouge Nor’easter this time of year. Yesterday I had on shorts, but my mom’s at the garden center buying plants, so I should probably keep the snow boots handy. That’s how Murphy rolls, you know?

    • We have had snow in May. We don’t put our annuals in until after Mother’s Day but that has backfired with frost in the past. I know exactly what your saying. Lol Thank you Elizabeth. 🌺

  5. These are gorgeous photographs. I really feel as though we are all experiencing a rebirth after months – years? – of necessary hibernation. 🙂

    • You are right Matt! In the past two years I have enjoyed walking outside with no fear of Covid, watching all the critters and working in the garden. Thank you so much❤️

    • Thank you! I can’t wait for the wisteria, hydrangea and peonies to bloom. My Red Bud trees are almost ready to open too. I like how everything flowers at different times.

    • I love nature even in the winter. We watched out our window this past winter as a cat (not ours) caught a mouse and played with it on top of the snow for 10 minutes. It was the cutest thing. The mouse finally got away under our blue spruce trees. I am guessing the cat was full, lucky for the mouse! 💕

  6. You have a beautiful garden, Diane. So nice to see you enjoy the cabana you installed (recently if I recall) and all your herbs and fruits! That pear tree is lovely. And that bird feeder house is so cute. Grosbeaks are beautiful birds and we’re lucky to see them for a few weeks in the early Spring in our backyard too.

  7. Beautiful yard and plants, Diane. I am so jealous for your Rose Breasted Grosbeak! We don’t get them at our feeders and they are here! Happy Spring to you! 😊

    Blue Rock Horses Frederick County, Virginia bluerockhorses.com

      • We have had 3 at the feeder every day, all day. They are bullies and scare the other birds by hogging the feeder. If they weren’t so beautiful I would be mad. lol Now I have a blue Heron every morning. He’s after my pond fish and today he knocked the top of of my concrete bird bath. We have to go out to the cabana every day and knock down the start of a robins nest every day, sometimes twice a day. The robin just doesn’t get it. If I let them nest in it they poop everywhere and I use it too much for that. Hopefully she figures out she’s not welcome there. Can’t fight nature. 🤣

      • Such a fight with nature, Diane. 🙂 It’s sorta funny. I don’t mean to laugh at your birdy problems. You just make me smile!

      • Oh I forgot about the mole runs which are so high I tripped and fell over 4 weeks after my first hand surgery. I bought 2 dump truck loads of mulch that we finished in late fall. The moles have all 2-1/2 acres destroyed in the grass so they decided to dig all through my flower beds completely around the house with dirt mounds about 1 x 2 feet sections covering up so much of the mulch with dirt. I will have to shovel the dirt into a bucket and dump it as there is so much dirt. I had to dig out the a/c unit or the dirt would have plugged the fins up when I took off the cover. I’m waiting for the house to cave into their city underground next, I give up, the critters win. 😂

  8. Love that bird feeder! And how lovely is that pear tree in full bloom … that is SPRING in capital letters! I think I can see the easter egg – is it that little orange dot? Spring is definitely in your garden with all the colour popping up everywhere … what a lovely place to breath and enjoy nature!

  9. You have such a lovely house and beautiful property; I can tell you treat it lovingly. Last weekend we split some of our Hosta for ground cover in an area along the side of the house. It’s so hardy and spreads rapidly. We lost a tree over the winter and want to replace it with a few different plants to attract birds and butterflies. Enjoy the view and have a wonderful day! 🌻

    • It’s so devastating when a tree dies or blows over from a storm. We have a large red bud tree that is about to go too. That will leave my hydrangeas exposed to full sun. They are too hard to dig up (tried) with all the roots from the 3 red bud trees. I hope they don’t die too. It will be nice for you to add some new plants for the birds and butterflies. Have a great weekend and thank you Nancy! ❤️

      • Rice Balls (Arancini)
        With the exception of the rice, this is a very forgiving recipe so I eyeball everything. The rice is key; you can’t use instant or regular white rice. It must be arborio rice. Another key factor – keep your hands wet. This will help hold your arancini together like a nicely packed snowball.

        Boil 1 cup of arborio rice; drain off any excess water and let cool sufficiently to handle.

        In the meantime slice up some mozzarella into strips or cubes – the shape doesn’t matter and if you have any leftover mozz it’s always great for snacking.

        Sauté in EVOO diced onion and your favorite chopped meat (no more than 1/2 lb is necessary; I’ve used less. You can go with beef, sausage, turkey, etc). Cook until nicely browned. Drain off the excess oil.

        With wet hands form a small ball of rice and flatten in your hand. In the center place a spoonful of the chopped meat and a piece or two of mozzarella. Place another small handful of rice on top of that and begin gently forming your riceball, making sure all the filling is tucked away nicely inside and your riceball is firm, smooth and NOT FALLING APART. If it falls apart, you’re hands aren’t wet enough. The riceball should be about the size of a baseball – smaller is ok, definitely not bigger.

        Carefully dip riceballs in beaten egg, and roll around until covered, then coat with a seasoned breadcrumbs., thoroughly covering the ball. Gently place in frying pan with hot oil on med heat. You want the riceballs to cook slowly so the mozzarella in the middle melts and the balls are evenly golden brown, not burned.

        Serve with tomato sauce on the side or just eat them plain. They’re so tasty I don’t even both with the sauce half the time! Everyone loves arancini – especially the kids! Enjoy!!

      • Really? There are so many different recipes, even some with peas in the filling. I’m the only one in our family who likes peas so that’s a no-no! I learned most of my Italian cooking by watching my mother; she never used a recipe. She would just eyeball everything and taste-test along the way; if something was missing, she’d toss it in. I swear one of her directions was to include “a GLASS of water!” I’m sure she had different glasses for whatever she was preparing lol! Her food was always great and cooking just came naturally to her. 🌹

  10. Spring at your place is looking beautiful, Diane. I really enjoyed all the photos. I have seen grosbeaks at my feeders too, I love those birds.

  11. So beautiful, Diane. I have dandelions, my rhubarb has popped through as well as the hostas. I don’t have any daffodils, but they are up in the neighbourhood, but that’s it. It has gotten quite chilly again.

    • We got frost last night so the first few rhubarb is probably done for but there will be more. At least tomorrow will be warmer. Enjoy the weekend Carla and thank you. ❤️

  12. Well you are ready for everyone – the birds with seed, the Orioles with jelly, hummingbirds with nectar and oh yes, the people to relax in the cabana. Your garden is already thriving. That’s a cute feeder … I’ve seen the red barn feeders, but not these and the Grosbeak is beautiful.

      • Terry is a peach Diane. For some reason I thought the surgery was this Monday, like the last time when it was a Monday. I hope you are feeling okay … it is amazing to me that you had carpal tunnel surgery on Thursday and were typing last night. Terry will do a rain dance so he does not have to spend too much time watering with his other chores he is assigned until you are 100% again.

    • Thank you and yes I sure do care. We planted a lot of evergreen trees and you can’t believe how many birds nest in them. I sit out at night and listen to them once they go to bed for the night, such a beautiful chirping sound.

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