Dried Pumpkin Seed Flower

With Halloween fast approaching it will be time to carve those pumpkins with the kids. Many of you may save the pumpkin seeds to roast and eat but why not save some to make this Dried Pumpkin Seed Flower. It only requires a few ingredients which you probably already have at home.

To roast the seeds remove them from the pumpkin, rinse the seeds clean in a colander and dry well with a paper towel.

Toss the dry seeds in a little oil then place them on a baking sheet in a single layer. Roast them in a preheated 300ยบ oven until they are dry and start to brown, about 45 minutes, tossing frequently. Time may vary due to the different sizes of pumpkin seeds so watch them carefully.

Cut a round circle from a thin piece of cardboard, I used a cereal box. Then use craft glue to attach the seeds and twine. Note the direction of the seeds in my picture and have fun!



  1. What an great idea, Diane! Thank you for sharing. I think this year i will the first time ever carf a pumpkin, for Halloween.;-)
    Its not really in our Roman-Catholic tradition, so they more making only soup out of the pumpkins. I need something that some can get angry about. Lol Have a nice rest of the Sunday, and enjoy a wonderful start of the new week. xx Michael

    • Ahhhh so youโ€™re a trouble makerโ€ฆhahahaha When I carve one itโ€™s a simple triangle eyes, triangle nose and smiling mouth with 3 teeth. I have carved them that way my entire life (and thatโ€™s a lot of pumpkins). I donโ€™t have an artistic bone in my body. I have seen some beautifully carved pumpkins. You should post your first one! Enjoy your week Michael. โค๏ธ

  2. That is very pretty, Diane! If I can be honest, I donโ€™t see myself making this. Iโ€™ll have eaten all the pumpkin seeds before I make anything that resembles a flower. Roasted pumpkin seeds are very yummy!

      • I used to like to do arts and crafts back in the day. There is a satisfaction to create with your hands and enjoy it later. I used to do “Pretty Punch” embroidery onto sweatshirts. It took forever to do one and I started so I could watch TV at night without falling asleep (before VCRs).

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