Easy Christmas Microwave Peanut Brittle


This is such an easy way to make Peanut Brittle that you will never make it on the stove again and it tastes as good as it looks!

To see the step by step directions with pictures and a printable recipe card click HERE.



  1. My dear father made this nut brittle every Christmas from my birth to leaving home at 22 to go to war with army. I remembered it every Christmas since. I marched out aged 30 and took up law which was still fighting in away but using more brain in the Viking ways of my peoples. Danelaw in history among the mountains of Northern England .FERA BATA VON YAT EN STYNI MODU POIST. In modern English Better weather near gate house of fleet post and wall to freedom. My few bits of ancient Viking for you.

  2. Boy I haven’t had peanut brittle in years – my parents wouldn’t let me eat anything sticky and my grandmother would sneak it to me when we went to visit. That and Humbugs (which were hard candies that tasted like butter rum). Good thing I didn’t break a tooth – she’d have felt badly!

  3. Looks very delicious!
    Hoping to be a bit more active on here, but honestly I think I might just go absent again for a bit, or just quite all together. But, I’m not sure yet. The thought has crossed my mind, though.
    Have a Merry Christmas, Diane. <3

  4. Some years ago I knew a lady in the local seniors lodge. I was a volunteer & was supposed to read to her, but we never read anything. We’d sit and gab and drink tea (or hot chocolate with a shot of Baileys). One Christmas she taught me how to make this peanut brittle – a sign of a true friend. 🙂

    • Wow what a rewarding experience that must have been. Kudos for volunteering and making a difference in her life even though it was probably more rewarding for you! I would go for the Baileys and hot chocolate myself!

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