Edamame Spaghetti Meal


My last promise to a nutritionist was to try a healthier spaghetti called Edamame. She promised I would love it, unlike the plain Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing Coleslaw she said I would love and I thought it was awful. I don’t like plain yogurt and I told her that!

A healthier way to eat a spaghetti meal is by using this Edamame Spaghetti. It is made from soybean flour and the cooking time is much less compared to regular spaghetti. It has a very different texture compared to regular spaghetti and is high in protein.

Did I like it? When I first started tasting it, it was just ok. However, I found if I smothered it in my delicious unhealthy spaghetti meat sauce, to cover up the taste, I could eat it. The longer I ate it the more it grew on me. It was only an 8 oz box and it took me 4 times to finish eating it. Will I buy it again….no.

I don’t know why people think that because it is healthy, it is good. I can’t even eat wheat pasta, it’s all regular white pasta for me. I’m sure my healthy eaters will have a lot to say but I have tried many times and many types of pasta. For me, eat what tastes great but in portion serving sizes!



Ingredients – Also Parmesan cheese



Boil a pot of water.



Once boiling, cook the Edamame

according to the package directions.



Heat your favorite sauce until hot.



Drain the Edamame



Place on a serving dish, top with

sauce, Parmesan cheese and serve.




Edamame Spaghetti Meal




  • 8 oz. box of Edamame Spaghetti
  • 2 cups spaghetti sauce, your favorite
  • Grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Cook Edamame spaghetti according to the package directions.
  2. Heat spaghetti sauce over medium heat until hot.
  3. Drain spaghetti.
  4. Place spaghetti on serving dishes and top with spaghetti sauce.
  5. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top and serve.



  1. I’m with you, Diane. There are plenty of other good ways to get vegetable protein into your diet. I believe in moderation, plenty of protein and veggies, and not too much fat or sugar (except perhaps at Christmas, when all bets are off). If you have a genuine health problem that is exacerbated by diet, that’s another story.

  2. Love you. Truely I do… (Sung to the tune from “Oliver” or “Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang!” – Don’t remember which!) And I thought edamame was a “flavour experience, like sweet, sour, bitter… That sort of thing. I guess it’s an experience I’m glad you tried so I don’t have to waste my precious time on it. Did I mention I love you? 😁🤣😊

  3. This is so funny and SO true! Seems like lots of things that are better for us taste like…well, taste yucky!! Good for your for trying though! xoxox

  4. I love it when I learn something every day. I’d never heard of Edamame Spaghetti. I’ve become accustomed to eating whole wheat pasta, but I think I’ll pass on Edamame. You’re brave, Diane, to try such things. I tend to agree with you that it’s all about portion control, and we should eat what we like. When my uncle was 97 years old, his wife wouldn’t let him eat ice cream because it was bad for him. My sister and I made a pact on the spot that if we live to that age we will let each other eat all the ice cream we want!

  5. There’s only two reasons to eat non wheat pasta, either you are diagnosed celiac or crohns. The other substitutes done come close and offer no real nutritional advantage. I do however try and eat wholegrain. If it is finely ground and ground whole you shouldn’t be able to tell much difference. It’s the cheaper flours where they add the bran back to white flour that aren’t great.

    • I’ve tried and tried and just can’t do it so I just eat what tastes good. I will die with a smile on my face and a satisfied tummy….lol Thank you for your nice comment Tabula!

  6. I agree with you… smaller portions.

    But I do love Spaghetti on Spaghetti Squash! If you make the Spaghetti Squash so it has a bite to it… almost a crunch… it’s perfect in our book.

    • My daughter and I was just joking about this. I make all kinds of different foods as you know. When she was young I told her everything was chicken such as rabbit-frog legs-duck etc. I made spaghetti with the squash and I never said a word and she said “Mom, why does this taste weird?” hahahaha couldn’t pull it off. Now she is 28 and fixes it herself. Better late than never.

  7. The dish you prepared looks delicious. Will I try it? No. I’m with you on this one. There are healthy changes that can be made without sacrificing taste. If I’m going to eat something, it should be worth eating. Also, I try to remember all the “bad” foods that are now “good” foods. The “experts” don’t always get it right.

  8. “I found if I smothered it in my delicious unhealthy spaghetti meat sauce, to cover up the taste, I could eat it.”


    We KNOW bad eating habits can lead to serious health issues, and I had a great-aunt who was ALWAYS saying, “Eat to live, don’t live to eat,” (sit down, Aunt Maye!) but there’s just no way I’m eating anything simply because it’s “healthy.” It has to taste good to ME AND look appealing. 😉

    • Yes!!!! I make the doctors crazy! They keep telling me to lose weight and eat better yet I don’t have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, no diabetes etc.! Nothing wrong with the way I cook and it tastes good! 🤣

  9. I’m all for healthy eating but I feel that the “healthy” food should taste good as well as benefit you. If the food that you’re eating tastes like rubber then there will be a natural human repulsion and the food won’t benefit you. You need to love the food you eat.

  10. I so agree with you Diane! Eat whatever it tastes good or whatever you like, but never exaggerate. I live my life like this and so far so good 😉 I never did any diet and I have the same weight for the last 10 years or so…I always eat everything but never exaggerate 😉

    • If or when I develop health problems and have to take medicine I may change my mind. But, at my age, if my way of eating hasn’t killed me yet hopefully it won’t down the road.

      • Yes – very true. My mom decided about 15-20 years ago that she had to cut out our sodium in all her cooking. She started using “Salt Sense” and said it was not the same but after listening and reading about all the use of sodium, she changed her way of cooking, but other than that, no other changes. We stopped eating salt on french fries but I think fast food fries they salt a little when cooking anyway, but didn’t use it at home – that was the biggest adjustment for me as I liked salt on my fries. (But I also had burgundy velour seats in my car at that time, so that it was nice not to be brushing off salt crystals!)

  11. The only “healthy” pasta I like is the spinach kind, I don’t like wheat either. I’ve never tried edamame though.. lol, I think I’ll stay away after what you said. 😛

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