Fresh Squeezed Lemonade


There is nothing better on a hot summer day than an ice-cold glass of Fresh Squeezed Lemonade. This Lemonade is the best I have ever made and there is only three ingredients! Everybody has their own desire for sweetness or tartness so adjust the sugar to your own preference. Now, I am sure I will get some comments about the way I make mine but that’s OK because I am telling you, this is delicious!






Lay the lemons on the counter, push down

and roll them under your hand.

This loosens up the juice making it easier to get the juice out.



Cut the lemon in half.



If you own a juicer, juice the lemons.

If you don’t have a juicer just squeeze the

juice from the lemon halves into a measuring cup.



Take the lemon peels and grate the zest off of them.



Add the lemon juice to a small saucepan over medium heat.



Add the hot water immediately.



Add the sugar and stir.



Add the zest and continue to stir just until the sugar dissolves.

When the sugar is dissolved, immediately remove the juice

from the burner and let sit for 30 minutes.



Pour the juice through a sieve.



Add the juice to the cold water, stir and refrigerate until cold.



Pour Lemonade into a glass with ice and a slice of lemon.


Fresh Squeezed Lemonade



  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup hot tap water
  • 1-1/4 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice (4-6 lemons)
  • zest from lemons
  • 2-1/2 cups cold water


  1. Lay the lemons on the counter and roll the lemon back and forth pushing down on it to loosen up the juice.
  2. Cut the lemons in half. Using a juicer or squeezing by hand squeeze the juice out of each lemon.
  3. Grate the zest from the lemon peels.
  4. In a small saucepan over medium heat, add the lemon juice.
  5. Add the hot water immediately.
  6. Add the sugar and stir.
  7. Add the zest and continue to stir just until the sugar is dissolved, remove from the heat immediately.
  8. Let the juice sit for 30 minutes.
  9. Pour the juice through a sieve discarding the pulp mixture.
  10. Add to the cold water, stir and refrigerate until cold.
  11. Pour the lemonade into the glasses with ice and a slice of lemon.








Categories: Drinks/Smoothies, Fruit


    • Hi Kim! This was amazing! My grandkids, 3 & 7, have never had it before. My 3 year old went mmmmmmmmmm chugged it down and said more please..hahahahaha. My 7 year old juiced all of the lemons and love it as well. Can’t figure kids out, just when you think they will like something they don’t and I never dreamed they would like this!

  1. When I make lemonade (or even iced tea), I make a simple syrup and keep some in the fridge. Then, when I make the drinks, I just have to add the syrup and it’s ready to drink. I used to prepare it the way you did, but I find having the syrup available is more convenient (for me).

  2. Sounds really good. I have to agree with one of the comments above: the kind of lemonade you get in the store just doesn’t compare to the real thing.

  3. never heard of making lemonade that way. mighty fine recipe! Thank you for sharing this.

  4. A cup of sugar looks daunting, but I’m sure there’s much more than a cup in the same quantity of bought lemonade, and perhaps only a smudge at most of real lemon. Far better to make it oneself for sure.

    • Yes it is a lot of sugar but also a great summer treat occasionally. We normally drink water and unsweetened tea so this was a nice treat! Thanks Chris!

      • You need that much sugar when you’re using fresh lemons, and I bet it is delicious. I’d be making it in summer if I had a lemon tree.

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