Strawberry Ice Cream

I wasn’t sure how I wanted to go about creating a really good Strawberry Ice Cream recipe. Then I figured I would start with my basic Vanilla Ice Cream recipe I make and everybody already loves.


Boy oh boy did it turn out delicious! My Whitehouse Cherry Ice Cream use to be my husbands favorite ice cream that I make. He said this just moved into first place! One of the reasons it turned out so good is the quality of the strawberries. They are in season, completely ripe (but not mushy) and loaded with flavor. I will save this batch of ice cream for Sunday when the grandchildren visit, but I don’t think it will last long!


First rinse and cut fully ripe strawberries.


Using a blender, blend strawberries and sugar until liquefied.

IMG_9395Stir all of the ingredients in a large bowl until completely combined. Refrigerate at least four hours.

Pour into an ice cream maker and process according to the ice cream maker directions.

Scoop ice cream into a plastic freezer container and freeze at least four hours before serving.

Strawberry Ice Cream



16 oz strawberries, completely ripe

1/4 cup sugar

2 cups heavy whipping cream

1 cup half-n-half

1-14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

1 Tbl vanilla

1/4 tsp kosher salt


Rinse the strawberries and cut off the tops. Slice each strawberry into four pieces. Using a blender, blend strawberries and sugar until they are a liquid. In a large bowl stir the strawberries and the rest of the ingredients until everything combines. Cover and refrigerate at least four hours. Pour into your ice cream maker and process according to manufactures directions. Once frozen, pour into a plastic freezer container and freeze at least four hours before serving.

Categories: Ice Cream


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