Macaroni and Cheese – Version 2


A few days ago I blogged about a homemade Cheddar Cheese Sauce that I made. I used that Cheddar Cheese Sauce to make this Macaroni and Cheese – Version 2.

I made the Cheddar Cheese Sauce first (the recipe is in the categories under sauces) and then I made this Macaroni and Cheese with the sauce. Although I make this recipe similar to my first Macaroni and Cheese, it tastes completely different using my homemade cheese sauce.


Start by warming up the Cheddar Cheese Sauce.

The recipe is in the category “sauces”.


Boil the pasta until desired tenderness.


Drain pasta and mix with the cheese sauce.


Place pasta mixture in an oven proof dish and pour in the half-n-half.


Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.


Sprinkle shredded cheddar on top.


Bake another five minutes or until the cheese is melted.

Macaroni and Cheese Version - 2



1 – Cheddar Cheese Sauce recipe (In the category to the right, click on sauces to see the step by step directions and to print the Cheddar Cheese Sauce recipe.)

8 oz pasta

1/4 cup Half-n-Half

1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Boil pasta according to package direction and drain.

Warm the cheddar cheese sauce.

Mix the pasta with the cheddar cheese sauce.

Place pasta mixture into a small oven safe dish.

Pour the Half-n-Half over the pasta.

Bake uncovered for 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven and sprinkle with the cheddar cheese.

Bake another 5 minutes until the cheese is melted.




Categories: Pasta


  1. One of my favourite meals, but RG is not so keen on it unless I add jalapenos or other vegetables. Oh, and I might be making that sausage lasagna for dinner tonight. Will let you know if I do. 🙂

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